
Cultural and Ethnic Studies

The purpose of this project is to watch a documentary film about disability and investigate it in depth, to a level that that enhances your own understanding of the topic in a way that is relevant to you and your career, and prepares you to creatively share this information with others. Components of the Project: […]

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Date: August 24th, 2021

Performance Related Pay

1) Performance related pay is commonly used by employers as a way to motivate their employees. Discuss the benefits and challenges of this approach to reward forboth employers and employees. 2) * HARVARD referencing. 3) Definitions 4) Current context with some facts and figures 5) Discussion of relevant theory 6) Company examples of practice 7) […]

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Date: August 24th, 2021

Should all illegal drugs be legalized?

Assignment: Final paper Weight: 20% of final grade Late Papers: 5% loss each day it is late, including weekends Objective: To explore one major controversial topic regarding drugs and/or drug use. Length: 6 (minimum) to 8 (maximum) pages NOT including title and reference pages, double-spaced, 12 point font Topic: An argumentative essay on one of […]

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Date: August 24th, 2021

Health Care

Describe in 2-3 pages what you learned about Electronic Health Records during this course.————-This is a recommended source. Also, I need more details and focus on the examples. Weekly Assignment Grading Rubric with Feedback Weekly Assignment Grading Rubric with Feedback Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormatting 5.0 pts Proficient Heading is […]

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Date: August 24th, 2021

Youth Olympic Games Awareness: An Analysis of Parents of Elite Youth Sport Athletes

The article from the module resources entitled “Youth Olympic Games Awareness: An Analysis of Parents of Elite Youth Sport Athletes” investigates the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) and compares its awareness with two other renowned events—2012 London Olympic Games (LOG) and the Winter X Games (WXG). After reading the article, answer the following questions in a […]

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Date: August 24th, 2021

Health Care

The U.S. healthcare delivery system is composed of four major components: regulators, payers, suppliers, and providers. Regulators control costs, access, and quality of care. Payers consist of insurance companies, both public and private, that pay for care. Suppliers provide the equipment, supplies, and medications needed to provide healthcare. Providers are the healthcare professionals that provide […]

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Date: August 24th, 2021

Business Studies

In the syllabus, I gave you a chose between two topics. These include • “Changes in Globalization or Global Trade between Now and 2025” (100 points) .  or • Changes in Globalization of Agribusinesses and Food Sector between Now and 2025 (100 points). Note it is a min. 1,000-word essay. You can always write more. […]

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Date: August 24th, 2021


Case Study – Zappos By: Winter Nie and Beverley Lennox FEBRUARY 16, 2011 Retrieved from: The Story Since the online shoe retailer was founded in 1999, the Zappos brand has extolled its “wow” customer service positioning and a distinct corporate culture. The Challenge Tony Hsieh, the chief executive, became a multimillionaire at 24 when […]

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Date: August 24th, 2021


There is the most important two things you need to remember: 1: read the link I list below carefully about the detailed outline example before you write anything.Outline LINK: link is really important you can learn how to write the perfect detail outline in this assignment making sure it can get full credits. 2: […]

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Date: August 24th, 2021