
Mathematical Approaches to Security Analytics.

Big data and data analytics are hot topics that are frequently in the media these days. Much of the application of these mathematical concepts is industry specific, and the information security industry is no exception. Math plays an important role in an array of methods and technologies. One of the earlier applications of math in […]

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Date: October 21st, 2015

Compare and contrast Hawaiian and Midwestern Culture.

Similarities and dissimilarities between our shared Midwest culture another culture of your choice (i.e. West Coast culture, New England culture, Japanese culture, etc.). You should consider multiple points for comparison and contrast, such as technology, lifestyle, communication, transportation, employment, finances, environment, common values, health, and education. Support for your thesis should be drawn from mainly […]

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Date: October 21st, 2015

What causes poverty in your country?

What causes poverty in your country? OR News reports are often full of coverage on natural disasters, wars, terrorist strikes, sexual predators, and other fearful situations. What effect does watching such reports have on children or adults?

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Date: October 21st, 2015

The Romans

Roman Religion In this essay, you will be demonstrating your ability to write a well-developed, logically organized analytical essay that relies on critical thinking skills. You will convey that you understand the difference between primary and secondary sources as you analyze and interpret them. Step I In this exercise, you will write an essay using […]

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Date: October 21st, 2015