Accounting Career

Posted: October 17th, 2013





Accounting Career

Analysis Section

The field of accounting is a very dynamic field. That is several changes occur in the field and it never stays the same for a long time. In this case, the essay will be based on the analysis of two articles that relate to accounting. Several points have been discussed in these articles but only the most important ones will be outlines and analyzed. The first important point states the requirements new accountants need in order to achieve success in the field of accounting. It categorically states that the career requires a lot of diligence and good relationships with people. Several factors have been named that affect this particular career. Technology and the global financial situation are some of these factors. The influence they cause also extends to the career itself. The employment of new personnel is also altered since the companies need capable employees who will be able to handle such matters. Inclusion of this information is important since it enables the accountants to know matters that affect their field of work. By knowing this, they will be able to improve their productivity at work. Another thing discussed is the findings of research projects from several key accounting companies. The said reports provide notable information relating to the changing trends in the field of accounting and their effects as well.

The identification of such aspects makes this article exceptional especially because they are not readily available to the public. Such reports, therefore, give an opportunity to the readers to know what the researchers concluded concerning the matter. As much as the article has several remarkable attributes, it also has some disadvantages. For instance, it does not give tips to the readers on how to obtain and maintain a successful career in accounting. The points it has provided are just focused on the firms’ requirements and not on the employee. Addition of some information that would help the new accountants will ensure that it is even more exceptional.

Another aspect that has been highlighted is the main things students, for instance, should consider if they intend to pursue a career in accounting. A list of the general requirements required for one to pursue a career in accounting has been included. In addition to this, the article also gives vital information that may help the reader especially if they are searching for a job in this field. The use of clear and concise language to explain all its points in detail makes the reader understand all the points the author intended to pass to them. Apart from this, it also provides information about steps one may take in order to improve his or her career in accounting. An example of a recommendation is obtaining higher education like a master’s degree. This makes it appropriate for not only people looking for jobs but also those with jobs but also want to become more successful in them. The scope of information provided is crucial because it provides its readers with a detailed perspective concerning the field they intent to join in the future.

Several significant attributes have been noted in the articles in question. For instance, the inclusion of basic requirements for one to pursue accounting makes it very appropriate for students who wish to study accounting. In addition, the pointing out of general information that may enable a person to develop significantly in his or her career is outstanding. Readers who acquire this information may implement this in their careers, and therefore succeed as they aimed. The simplicity of the language used in the article is also another appealing factor. Use of clear language makes it more comprehensible to its readers. The number of people who can read the article is also increased due to this since they will understand the message the writer anticipated passing along. In my opinion, both articles however different are outstanding and will help several people who are in the field of accounting.






















Introduction: New accountants need a lot of diligence and good relationships with people in order to achieve success in the field of accounting.

1)      The identification of such aspects is good as information is not readily available to the public.

a)      Inclusion of the reports gives an opportunity to the readers to know what the researchers concluded concerning the matter.

b)      A list of the general requirements required for one to pursue a career in accounting is provided.

c)      This makes it appropriate for not only people looking for jobs, but also for who want to become more successful in them.

2)      All information provided is general advice that is crucial but requires to be backed up by some facts.

a)      The pointing out of general information that may enable a person to develop significantly in his or her career is outstanding.

b)      Readers who acquire this information may implement this in their careers, and therefore succeed as they aimed.

3)      Several significant attributes have been noted in the articles in question.

a)      The inclusion of basic requirements for one to pursue accounting makes it very appropriate for students who wish to study accounting.




Works Cited

Boersma, Maxine. “The Essentials for a Successful Career.” Recruitment: 1.>management> 11 Oct. 2012. Web. 26 Oct. 2012.

Reed, Silas. “Accountant Careers- How to Start on the Accountant Career Path.” Career articles: 1. Articlesbase.18 Nov. 2010. Web. 26 Oct. 2012.

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