Any Three Memories

Posted: October 17th, 2013





Any Three Memories

            My most favorite three memories especially in high school are making the basketball tournament as a freshman; the other one is a trip to the zoo, and the final one is a Friday night dance after football games. Several things happened during the instances that remain a permanent memory for me. During the first basketball in high school, I was quite excited to be in the team. This meant I would play for all the years for my school. In the animal orphanage, I was excited seeing people with phobia to different animals act out and get scared. In the Friday night, it was the first time I drunk alcohol although I was not supposed to. These memories remain with me even as I near my last days in high school.

One of my favorite memories is when I was selected to join the basketball team during my freshman. I remember practicing quite hard in order to make the basketball team in my freshman. Something told me I could do it and all I needed was practicing hard to get my skills better. My friends encouraged and motivated me with their support. I would practice even at home since we had a basketball court. With the help of my neighbor, I practiced to make my lay ups better, three pointers, and dribbling. However, during the selection process, I hardly knew the task up ahead. Most of what we did involved lifting weight, running around five miles every weak and other exercises to get in shape. During the final day, all the students interested in joining the team were divided into teams. The couch and his assistant were there to make their selection. It is at this time that I displayed my practiced skills, and made good lay ups and three pointers. However, from the workout we had done, I was quite exhausted and got tired quite fast. The couch did commend me for good work with lay ups and three pointers, which earned me a place in the team.

After joining the basketball team, we had a trip to one of the zoo around town towards the end of the first year. I have always loved going to this zoo to see the different kinds of animals, with my favorite being the tiger. I enjoyed seeing the animal feed, including the snakes. However, the most enjoyable animal to watch was the chimpanzee that played around with the swing, jumping from one tree to another. This was quite entertaining for everybody. What made this day most memorable was the phobia a few people had for the snakes while others were afraid of seeing the spiders, especially the tarantula. One of my friends could not see where the spider was in its hiding until it jumped on the side of the glass. This gave her one scare that made her scream and got all of us thinking she had been bitten. Those who did not see what happened freaked out and rushed out of the spider house thinking that something was wrong. My friend could not let me go until we were out of the spider house.

Another memory that remains in me is a Friday dance night in my second year after football games. The dance night was quite popular and nobody wanted to miss it. It was a dance that most people went with their friends and ready to meet other friends. Everybody came dressed up for the dance and ready to dance with many being their first time in a dance. The evening was worm and people were already set by 8.00 o’clock ready for the dance. Some were just sited, ready to watch rather than dance while others were into other businesses. It was during this night that I had sworn to drink. It would be my first time. My friends and I had carried some drinks for the night. We did not know it would be our worst. We drank more than we could handle and lost control of our selves. We felt so light, that I thought it would be possible to do just anything. On the dance floor, we danced without a care of what happened. However, we got too much out of control. I was later woken up by the chill of the wee hours, only to find that I had been lying dead asleep the whole night on the veranda. My friends were next to me. This was an unforgettable night.

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