Articles Related to the High Gas Prices

Posted: October 17th, 2013





High Gas Prices


General Purpose:  To compare and contrast

Specific Purpose:  To compare and contrast two articles in order to identify the impact of the rise in gas prices on the American

Central Idea:         The rise in fuel gases has made the Americans to take a downward trend. They have moved from high fuel consuming cars to low ones or from private/personal transport to public means.


I. Materials

A. Two articles analyzing the effect of the high gas prices on the Americans’ transport


  1. Business has gone high in both low consuming cars has increased in both the low fuel cars

and the public transport industry

  1. The car industry is leaping profits while the public transport industry fails to handle the

growing demand due to inadequate facilities

II. Orienting Material

A. Increased sales of low consuming cars such as Toyota Prius C, having a $7,000 premium

B. Public transport is experiencing 670 million passenger trips and 2.7 billion trips by the

end of 2012 yet they have inadequate facilities.


I. Similarities

  1. Both show that Americans are turning to cheaper ways of getting transportation
  2. Both articles base their arguments on recent facts found in reports from credible sources.
  3. Both articles are assessing the current impact of rising gas prices
  4. Both articles have expressed personal opinions

II. Differences

  1. The main difference evident in both articles is their topics. Motavalli focuses articles on the impact of the fuel prices on the sale of cars, the article by APTA focuses on the impact of the gas price rise on the public transport
  2. Another difference in the two articles is their focus. While Tavelli has more focus on the current situation based on the facts and the personal opinions, APTA focus is on the previous/past, current and the future situations


I. Summary

A. The Americans are taking a downward trade in order to cope up with the high gas prices.

B. They are moving from high fuel consuming cars to low ones

C. They are moving from private to public transportation means






The high gas prices have raised various discussions on their impact on the lives of the Americans. While some parties argue that they will have little or no significant impact in terms of lifestyle change, the majority of the parties argue that this price change will make a significant change in the lives of the Americans daily lives. Motavalli (2012) argues states that the sales of the less fuel consuming cars such as the Toyota Prius C have gone high as compared to other vehicles such as the Nissan and the Chevrolet. A report released by APTA (American Public Transport Association) states that the use of public transportation has greatly increased since the rise of the gas prices. These two articles show that the rise in fuel gases has made the Americans to take a downward trend.


Both articles describe that Americans are turning to cheaper ways of getting transportation. While Motavalli explains that less gas consuming cars such as the Toyota Prius C, which consumes one gallon for every fifty miles, are making higher sales than other cars, APTA shows an increase of 670 million passenger trips on top of the usual trips. This also shows the Americans’ down market move every time they are faced with a gasoline price challenge. While Motavalli explains that, the consumers will move from sport cars to crossovers and from mid to compact size sedans, APTA explains that the number of passenger trips will continue to increase with the rise of the gas prices. If the gas prices are at $4, the trips will be 670 million, &5 will be at 1.5 billion trips and when at $6, they will be at 2.7 billion passenger trips (p.2).

Both articles base their arguments on recent facts found in reports from credible sources. Motavalli, gives facts given by the Toyota Company, General Motors and Ford Company while APTA gives facts collected by the association. These articles enable the reader to understand the statistical perspective of the information given. Additionally, facts make the articles true and arguable papers. Since the sources of information are from credible sources, the readers are able to assess the true nature of the impact of the rise in gas prices on the Americans from an objective angle.

Both articles are assessing the current impact of rising gas prices. Although the article by APTA has portrayed about the future effects of the rising gas prices, it has put some emphasis of the current situation. The article explains that the passengers in need of the public transport are more than they can handle. “During the 2007 and 2008 gas price spike”, the article states, “85 percent of transit agencies reported experiencing capacity constraints on parts of their systems,” (p.2). On the other hand, Motavalli’s focus is entirely on the current situation. The cars consuming less fuel are being purchased more than the cars with a plug-in-hybrid Volt (Chevrolet) or an electric leaf (Nissan) (Motavalli, 2012).

Both articles have expressed personal opinions. Motavalli has given a personal opinion given by his sales forecaster, Mr. Christopher Hopson. He said that, “the small car results are a good sign of the acceptance of those vehicles, but if you’re asking me if their sales will reach the magnitude of midsized cars, I’d say it’s not likely soon,” (pp.7). Similarly, the APTA article expresses opinion on the future thus it makes forecasts. It forecasts on the impact of future high gas prices on the public transportation industry and it gives the effects of the lack of taking rectification actions.


The main difference evident in both articles is their topics. While Motavalli focuses articles on the impact of the fuel prices on the sale of cars, the article by APTA focuses on the impact of the gas price rise on the public transport. While one article focuses on the low gas consumption cars preference, the other focuses on the personal car abandonment thus a drop in gas expenses. In other words, Motavalli feels that people are still using personal cars but preferring cars that consume low gas while APTA explain that many people have stopped using private means and thus turned to public transport means.

Another difference in the two articles is their focus. While Motavalli has more focus on the current situation based on the facts and the personal opinions, APTA focus is on the previous/past, current and the future situations. It gives statements on the impact of an increase in gas prices in the years 2008 and 2009, gives some statistics of the year 2011 (year the article was published) and it gives some information on the increase of gas prices by $5 and $6 by the year 2012 (future). Focusing on the past enables the reader to understand the current situation and expected outcomes of the future thus the undertakings of the needed preparation. On the hand, emphasizing on the present allows the reader to assess primarily the current situation and thus make the necessary adjustments.


Both articles show that the rise of gas fuels has significantly influenced the transportation industry, whether it is the parties selling personal cars or those dealing with public means. Both articles have used both facts and opinions in order to show the credibility of the information. Although they have focused on the transportation industry, they have focused on different aspects of the industry. This shows that the fuels are greatly affecting the whole industry as a whole as far the American consumer is concerned. As one focuses on the current situation, the other article has placed more emphasis on the past, present and the future situation.


Works cited

American Public Transport Association. “Potential Impact of Gasoline Price Increases on U.S. Public Transportation Ridership, 2011 -2012”. APTA, 2011 March. Web. 28 March, 2012.

Motavalli, Jim. “With High Gas Prices, Buyers shift Their Focus Downward”. New York Times, 2012, March 22. Web. 28 March, 2012. <>

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