Bhagavad Gita

Posted: October 17th, 2013





Bhagavad Gita


            The Bhagavad Gita is musical coverage of India’s Mahabharata epic. It is a Hinduism scripture that describes in detail the dialogue of Lord Krishna and prince Arjuna, one of the Pandava brothers who was to battle with his cousin, Duryodhana, the chief of the Kauravas to have a share of the kingdom. Lord Krishna is a powerful supreme being in the Hindu world and is respected for his wisdom and greatness. Arjuna finds himself in a predicament when he sees his family at the other side of the battle line and for fear of their lives, he feels the need to withdraw. He decides to speak to Lord Krishna for assistance in this dilemma and realizes that Krishna supports the war when he gives him insight on knowledge and action. The Kauravas under Duryodhana want to rule the empire forcefully and deny the Pandavas their share. Therefore, Krishna explains to Arjuna, his devotee, what is expected of him as a prince and warrior through his in-depth embellishment of yoga practice in terms of karma yoga, jnana yoga and bhakti yoga (Sivananda, x). He also mentions the succession followed in the yoga system as it was passed down to the sun god who relayed it to Manu who in turn enlightened Ishakavu. Krishna sees the need to revive its meaning in Arjuna’s mind. Arjuna is a character of importance in the scripture because he expresses devotion to the Lord. Hence, it is a teaching of having a good relationship with the Supreme Being. In chapter ten, Arjuna readily accepts the scripture and decorates Krishna’s personality with praises terming him as the real god Bhagavad Gita is a scripture speaks the Godhead behind material things and instances in life and the purpose of humans (Sivananda, 80).



            Lord Krishna mentions the word yoga numerous times in the scripture. He elaborates it as the necessary measure that one should adopt to have power over the mind. It presents focus on a particular object to realize the reason for its existence. Through yoga, the human soul is directly channeled to one thing in the neglect of the other secondary ones. This kind of seclusion emancipates one from a confused state. The scripture emphasizes the necessity of yoga and finds it a good means flees from doing evil (Sivananda, 51). If the opposites of bliss and trouble have no effect on a person, he or she is considered pure.


            In the scripture, karma represents action and according to Lord Krishna, every person with existence in the world must work. It notes that a person is better off performing his roles otherwise known as Sva-Dharma, than performing another person’s role. Another action that the scripture unveils is sacrifice. Here, through Lord Krishna’s voice one finds it indispensable to make sacrifices to the gods for the sake of his or her well-being in life. It follows an action-reaction aspect since by giving the sacrifices to the gods they will serve for man’s sustenance. Lord Krishna is in charge of human life, which should also be given as a sacrifice to him. One should surrender his or her life to Lord Krishna (Sivananda, 2).


            This theme speaks of a person’s inner self. It is evident in the beginning when Lord Krishna gives Arjuna insight on the immortality of the inner being of a person. This follows after Arjuna dispels his dilemma concerning the battling knowing that he would be responsible of the death of his family. Lord Krishna expresses to him the need to fight and stresses that the inner being cannot yield when it comes to death. It is grounded on eternity. Krishna calms Arjuna by making it clear to him that his family killing will only be an act of the body and not of the spirit. Therefore, Arjuna’s inner being will be innocent (Sivananda, 60).


            In the scripture, the Lord is depicted as the ultimate creator. He is responsible for the existence of material and essential things in the world. His nature is still intact despite the occasional changes nature and the mere fact that the changing prakrti is in him (Sivananda, 111). Creation is recurrent but the Lord’s unchangeable nature surpasses all understanding. His presence is to be respected.


            The Bhagavad Gita describes bhakti as divine love and grace where Lord Krishna’s grace to humanity will have a result of inner peace. The Lord advises Arjuna to let go of his dharmas and find harbor in no one but him as his Lord. Krishna’s grace will liberate Arjuna from sin and evil. Arjuna feels love towards Lord Krishna as seen in the manner which he expresses his adoration. His devotion to Krishna solidifies their relationship (Sivananda, 95).


            In the scripture, this theme elaborates the three qualities that prompt people to perform actions. It also becomes evident according to Krishna that humans do not posses any power hence; purity, darkness and energy are responsible for a man’s actions. Purity is mentioned as Sattva, darkness as Tames and energy as Rajas. These qualities command different actions from different people. One is only able to find yoga if he knows which quality he is inclined to.

Works Cited

Sivananda, Sri Swami. Bhagavad-Gita. New York, NY: Divine Life Trust Society, 2000. Print.

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