Celebration of the University

Posted: October 17th, 2013





Celebration of the University

“Good evening and welcome to Pepperdine University. We are honored to have you here. It has been 75 years since the birth of Pepperdine University. Here at Pepperdine, we are ‘celebrating 75 years of purpose, service and leadership’ and tonight’s dinner marks one of the celebrations. Pepperdine University is known for its relentless contribution to this community through programs like the youth outreach program. As a student representative, I can personally vouch for this university’s love for its students, staff and the community as it is based on strict Christian values. At Pepperdine, we value and nurture the students’ talents, which is why Pepperdine is one of the best universities in terms of performance in sporting activities.

I would not be where I am, were it not for Pepperdine University. Since I joined Pepperdine University, my life has never been the same. My spiritual life has changed for the better and I have become a better Christian than I was before I joined the university. Pepperdine University instilled in me important Christian values and growth. I was also in the volleyball team, which shaped my career in sports as I am currently in the national volleyball team, thanks to Pepperdine University. Through the athletics department, I was awarded a scholarship at Pepperdine University and was selected to join the national volleyball team. Pepperdine University positively shapes the lives and futures of its students.

For as long as I live, I will remember the spirit, warmth and love of Pepperdine University. I will especially remember the endless determination of the staff and subordinate staff of the university. My lecturers, who were always there for me when I needed extra help with my studies. The volleyball team coaches for their support and encouragement through good and bad seasons in the athletics arena. Moreover, at Pepperdine University, I have made lifelong friends who helped me when I was new at the University. Pepperdine University commemorates 75 years, we are proud to add to our basket of achievements, the United States Olympic Achievement Award in which Marv Dunphy, the volleyball coach, was personally honored with the merit. The Pepperdine university women swimming team, The Waves, was also honored for its continuous exceptional academic achievements. The university took home the 2012 All-Sports Trophy. The outstanding academic and athletic accomplishments of Pepperdine University have placed among the best universities in the world.

My Pepperdine career was influenced by track volleyball coaches. They molded and built my character into what it is today. The level of discipline I learnt while at the volleyball team has shaped my professional career. Today, I am a proud alumnus of Pepperdine University and giving back to the university is one of the passions of the Pepperdine university alumni. Coach Dunphy taught us how to face life’s problems and challenges without fear. He was a tough coach but his toughness was only out of love for us. I remember disliking coach Dunphy at first because I did not understand why he was so tough on the team but looking back; I appreciate the attitude and scolding of coach Dunphy. The volleyball team is one of the best in the world thanks to coach Dunphy and his excellent coaching skills. I still implement the values coach Dunphy instilled in us in the earlier years. There are no words to describe why Pepperdine University is the best university; however, I would like to propose a toast by saying that Pepperdine University is the light of its students’ lives. Cheers!”

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