Change Management Plan Docx

Posted: October 17th, 2013

Change Management Plan Docx





Change Management Plan Doc

Change Management Plan:


Project Manager: name

The purpose of this plan is to enable the organization to make a transition from the current software in use by the organization and the employees into the Open Office Software. This would enable the organization to manage effectively the project change from its inception up to its delivery. Hence, there is dire need for support from the Project Manager, as well as other organizational executives to support this new way of doing business, as it would ensure that the organization has the ability to execute its operations efficiently and effectively. In addition, this would also increase the ability of communication between employees and increase their productivity.


Project scope statement:

This project aims at ensuring that there is adequate transition form the current system of operation into the new Open office software. Such would ensure improvements in the delivery of services to the clients efficiently and effectively.


•Management is of the opinion that the failure of commencement of the project in time could result in the loss of market share to the competitors in the next one year.

•Reluctance to change may prevent the transition from the old way of operations in the organisation to the new Open Office Software.

• In adequate information, knowledge and skills within the organisation may act as an impediment to the actualisation of the project fully as the organisation may be unable to operate various facets of the proposed project.

• The costs of implementing the new project on a large-scale perspective could prove to be expensive thus inhibiting the ability of the entity to reap from the benefits of use of the new system.

• The new software could prove ineffective and inefficient in terms of the need to satisfy the consumer and client needs in the market


• It is assumed that there is need for change in the project if the need for such undertaking arises. The project directors as well as the management of the organisation must recognise such possibility or eventual presence of change formally. This allows the ability to control the changes in the change process.

• Project lifecycles are subject to change hence there is need to ensure the presence of measures of adjustability into the new changes of the product cycles.

Project deliverables:

• The aim of the project to ensure the satisfaction of the customers in terms of product satisfaction and service delivery.

• In addition, the project will ensure transition for the old use of the Microsoft based products into the Open Office Software and related products.

• This will ensure that the entity maintains its competitiveness among its competitors in the market.

• Furthermore, the entity will ensure that it is able to monitor the various stages of actualising the changes into the new software in its operations within the organisation.



Contract statement: This section has been completed for you
Name Responsibility
  1. Gary Hepworth
  2. John Dawes
  3. Yourself


Business Owner

Manager, Marketing & Sales

Project Manager






The audience of the project plan is the employees of the organization. This will provide theme with the opportunity to forward any changes to the project. This is essential as the project lifecycle is usually under gradual changes thus it is necessary to have ample strategies availed to ensure that the members of the organization have the ability to ensure that they conform to the new way of operating in the organization. In addition the management, project manager and other executives are among the main targets of this project plan as it would enable them to ensure that the actualization of the project follows due processing a professionalized manner.

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