Collective Bargaining

Posted: October 17th, 2013











Collective Bargaining






Collective Bargaining

            Progressive discipline is a disciplinary system used on employees. The system provides graduated responses to the performance of employees or any problems with their conduct. The disciplinary measures taken range from mild to severe. This however depends on the nature of the problems and the times it has been repeated. For instance, an informal counseling or coaching session can be conducted for an employee who has been repeatedly tardy or fails to abide by simple work regulations. On the other hand, a more serious move, like termination can be conducted on an employee who commits repeated serious mistakes or who fails to improve in performance, even after receiving several warnings on the same.

Progressive discipline is used to get one’s employees in line with the rules and regulations. If it is done right, it accrues many advantages to the company. Progressive is highly successful in restoring discipline in an organization. Progressive disciplinary systems work highly in ensuring that the management of an organization instills order and discipline in their firms. However, this only works if it is done in the right way (Mader-Clark & Guerin, 2007).

If done in the right way, progressive discipline allows the company leadership to correct and intervene on employee behavior at any sign of misconduct. This also improves the communication between the company leadership and the employees. Higher performance along with high productivity is achieved when progressive discipline measures are taken. The rewards and punishments offered improve the firm’s staff retention rate. This is achieved by demonstrating that good performance is rewarded and poor performance has its consequences. As a result, the company avoids hefty replacement costs. The company also ensures fairness and consistency in dealing with problems regarding employees (Fulmer, 1999).

Progressive disciplinary measures work very well due to the gradual approach they have in dealing with the employee problems. These measures ensure that the employee is aware of what is expected of them. Moreover, the mechanical movement from one disciplinary measure to the next ensures that the employee is aware of their mistakes every time before the disciplinary measures are taken. This means that the employee is involved throughout the problem solving process.

















Fulmer, D. B. (January 01, 1999). Progressive discipline. Fire Engineering.

Mader-Clark, M., & Guerin, L. (2007). The progressive discipline handbook: Smart strategies for coaching employees. Berkeley, CA: NOLO.

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