Collective Bargaining among the Police Force

Posted: October 17th, 2013

Collective Bargaining among the Police Force




Collective Bargaining among the Police Force

Part 1

I do not agree with the decisions made by the states concerning eliminating bargaining power of the police unions. Police unions exist to fight for the rights of their members. They have the right to bargain for benefits on behalf of their members. This is especially important since the police do not have any other channels of airing their grievances and concerns without affecting their work performance. Unions are the only channels that the police can use to demand better working conditions and other benefits in their work (Doemer & Doemer, 2012). By limiting and eliminating their bargaining power, the states have limited the union’s power of expression. For a long time now, police officers have continued to provide essential services without complaining. People have taken it for granted that the police will always be there, and will always respond to their calls. They keep on finding ways of increasing the tasks and responsibilities of the police.

The union has ensured that the police get the recognition that they deserve. It has done this through negotiating better services and conditions for the workers. The states claim that eliminating the bargaining power of the police is budget considerations, since the government in these states is running a deficit. Although states with bargaining laws have greater debts, the main cause of the deficits is the economic recession, which has hit the entire country. Unions are active in combating the recession, and they often give sizable wages and benefits. In addition, the police officers contribute something towards the unions. The decision to eliminate the bargaining power seems to be more of a political issue, than it is an economic one. The government is supposed to be acting on behalf of the people, and it should represent their concerns, but this does not seem to happen. It has not listened to the people’s opposition concerning the eliminations, since many people support the idea of maintaining the bargaining power (Freeman, 2012).

Part 2


Speaking from experience, James has a clear idea of the benefits and effects of having police unions. He points out the benefits he received working as a junior police officer, noting that he received these benefits because of the efforts of the police union. He highlights the weaknesses of the city government and the administration concerning police welfare. James observes that the police do not need unions if they have an administrative management that treats them fairly and that shows them concern. His argument is crucial because it highlights the important role that police administrators play in determining the level of commitment that the police have towards unionization. Were it not for poor administrative policies and highly politicized nature of police administrators, many police officers, would not consider joining unions.


Charles highlights the importance of considering the voluntary nature of police work, as service to the public. He notes that being a police officer is a calling. In essence, Charles is observing the self-sacrifice that the police have to make to perform their duties. The officers were not forced into joining the police force, and they should do their work as their calling demands. Charles also highlights the weaknesses that unions can present, when they support police officers accused of corruption and other forms of misconduct. This is not right for the police force. It destroys the trust that people have on the police, and it destroys the integrity of the force. Unions should be there to enforce discipline and ensure that their members maintain proper behavior and act ethically. Protecting officers accused of misconduct is a clear indication that the unions are there to serve another purpose, and not to benefit the people.























Doemer, M. W., & Doemer, G. W. (2012). Collective bargaining and job benefits in Florida municipal police agencies, 2000-2009. American Journal of Criminal Justice doi: 10.1007/s12103-012-9187-x

Freeman, B. R. (2012). The war against public sector collective bargaining in the US. The Journal of Industrial Relations, 54 (3) 386-408

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