Compare and Contrast

Posted: October 17th, 2013





Compare and Contrast

Lewis believes in the existence of God. He believes that there was one God, and that there are three persons in the same God. He uses the concept and the idea of morality to prove the existence of God. He believes that moral people have a set of beliefs. People behave morally because they know that not doing so is against the will of God. If God did not exist, then people would not act morally. He asserts that there would be no right or wrong if God did not exist. God gives people the freedom to choose their actions. Lewis explains the concept of suffering by stating that it causes people to recognize their moral shortcomings, realize their need for God, and understand the importance of their relationship with God. Russell disputes the existence of God, by observing the flaws and limitations in the first cause argument, the natural law argument, the argument from design, and the moral argument for deity. He asserts that people cannot answer the question of who made God, and this dismisses the first cause argument. He points out that most of what people think are natural laws are products of human convention. He argues that the Omnipotent and Omniscient God cannot create a world such as this, which is full of defects and ills. Russell dismisses the thought of an afterlife where all that happened will be remedied. He points out that since there is injustice on earth, there will be injustice in another universe. Russell points out that most people believe in God, not because they have evidence of Him, but because they are taught to from their childhood. He claims that people believe in God because they want to keep on hoping that there is a bigger person or big brother looking out for them.

Lewis believes in the person of Jesus, and he believes that Jesus is the Son of God, although He was a man while on earth. He believes the accounts of the gospels concerning Jesus, including His virgin birth. Yet despite these beliefs, many people remember Lewis for his saying that Jesus was a lunatic, liar or Lord. Lewis said these words because of his deep conviction concerning the Lordship of Jesus. According to him, no man could teach or do any works as Jesus did. By these words, Lewis is trying to show that Jesus is more than just a great teacher or the best moral teacher they know. Lewis is telling people to look beyond the popular beliefs and opinions, and recognize Jesus as the Son of God. Russell admits that Jesus gave some good and excellent teachings to His followers, although he also doubts that He was the wisest and most knowledgeable persons. He however claims that Jesus had high standards of moral goodness. He goes on to assert that a person claiming to be a Christian has the lowest level of belief, because it means that he or she believes in Christ. People who believe in Christ must also believe that He was the wisest and best of men. He is also in doubt concerning Christ’s goodness. He doubts that Jesus ever existed, and in some instances, he quotes His words out of context. For instance, he says that Jesus claimed that He would appear in glory in the clouds before all the people who were living at that time died. Russell believes that Jesus is not as kind or as good as some Christians portray him to be. He gives the example of Jesus’ teaching concerning the Holy Spirit, and he concludes that Jesus is not a kind person since He lets His followers live in fear and terror because of His teachings. Russell denies the goodness and kindliness of Jesus, and he points out his moral defects. He is firm on his beliefs, that he even places Buddha and the Socrates above Jesus.


Lewis believes that good acts are rewarded and they lead to victory. He believes that evil exists, and it leads to a person’s destruction. He believes evil is a bad thing. He highlights some of the sins including greed and pride. He points out that evil binds a person and makes him lose dignity and sense of direction. Lewis points out that people pass their moral standards on other people, and they expect others to behave like them. Russell points out that Christians are at the forefront of wickedness because of their cruelty. He points out how people were tortured. He also points out how many women suffered by being burnt to death, on suspicion that they were witches. He notes that many of the people, who claimed to be religious, were the ones who inflicted most pain on others. He also points out that churches have opposed humane progress such as abolition of slavery, diminution of war, and tolerance and better treatment of races. Russell notes that a person does not perceive goodness by the senses, and people do not always agree on what constitutes a good thing. Russell further points out that a thing is good, when on its own account, it ought to exist, and bad when on its own account should not exist. Hence, he sees the element of existence as imperative in the definition and distinction of good or bad. Russell adds that people desire good things, and therefore if someone has a desire for something, then that thing must be good. Desire in this sense means something that someone longs for, or something that a person fears to lose. He also adds that bad desires can exist. He points out that people desire bad thing because, in their eyes, the things they desire are not bad. He restates the idea that what is good for one person might be bad for another person.

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