Cost and Scheduling Basics

Posted: October 17th, 2013

Cost and Scheduling Basics






Cost and Scheduling Basics

Reward power is the ability of a supervisor to provide rewards to deserving individuals at the workplace. These rewards can be simple praises for work well done or attractive packages, promotions and bonuses. A leader should be able to regulate and strengthen the rewards being issued in the work place. A leader is considered to have direct reward power when he or she can for instance raise the salary of employees. The recipients of the reward need to acknowledge that they cannot get it from anyone else. This makes the reward greater. Reward power does not work in situations where the recipients feel like they are being bribed. It is most functional in circumstances where the leader high or direct reward power.

Just because the project manager does not have direct, reward power over perquisites and work assignments does not mean that he is deficient in reward power. Reward power does not imply tangible rewards; it can also be intangible rewards like praises and recommendations. Certain types of rewards such as recognition sometimes induce people to change their behavior or work harder (Marquis& Huston, 2009,). He can appreciate the work done by the members of the project team either privately or in public. For example, he can display his value for the employees by talking to them about improving performance and productivity. Productivity can also be improved through team activities like picnics or retreats, which helps to strengthen the bond between colleagues.

The project manager can also adopt positive reinforcements for the members of the project. This includes verbal approval and encouragement as substitutes of tangible rewards. Words such as, ‘thank you’, ‘well done’ and ‘that was impressive’ boost the morale of employees (Gitman & McDaniel, 2008). These methods have proven effective in enhancing behavior modification in the work place. Other methods of non-verbal rewards that the project manager can employ include nodding the head as a sign of approval and maintaining eye contact when speaking to the employees to show that he is paying attention. When saying hello, the manager can demonstrate a sign of respect by firmly shaking the hands of the employees. A firm handshake denotes nobility and admiration (Marquis& Huston, 2009,).

Constructive flattery is considered a method of getting employees to like and respect the manager. He can therefore use this form of reward to gain popularity among the employees especially in social gatherings. It entails complementing the abilities of workers, which encourages their urge to perform better. The complements can be likened to certain similarities between the manager and the particular employee. This will create an air of straightforwardness and relation between the manager and the employee. Reward power is known to engender desirable results better than all other types of power. This is attributed to its ability to motivate effectively the recipients of the rewards.

Most perquisites in organizations are decided upon by the board of directors or the committee therefore project managers do not always have the authority to make such decisions (Gitman & McDaniel, 2008). After learning this, the project manager can adapt alternative ways of rewarding the members of the project. In addition to mentioned above, he could offer free workmanship advice to the employees about performing better and increasing productivity. He could also invite experts from outside to come and talk to his team on performance enhancement. This could be a way of motivating the employees to work harder and it is a way of encouraging competition amongst them, as the knowledge will drive each one to work better than the other. The project manager’s lack of direct reward power does not mean that he cannot employ other methods of rewarding the members of his team.


Gitman, L. J., & McDaniel, C. D. (2008). The future of business: The essentials. Mason, OH: Thomson South-Western. Print.

Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2009). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.



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