Cost Scheduling Basic

Posted: October 17th, 2013

Cost Scheduling Basic






Cost Scheduling Basic

From the writing, it is evident of the need and the role played by the scheduling techniques to enable highly competitive entities achieve their goals and objectives. The network scheduling techniques are essential in that they enable an entity to plan and make estimates in terms of use of resources for the achievement of the organizational goals and objectives. Scheduling techniques are also essential to an entity since they enable the entity to evaluate the pace of development of projects and thus finding solutions to predicaments, which might be causing deviations in terms of project goals and objectives. They also enable the entity to analyze the interdependence of the various activities for regulation and adjustments to achieve the organizational goals and objectives. In essence, a network schedule indicates the period for achievement of the various goals and objectives in a project of process within an organization (Network Scheduling Techniques, 495).

Network schedules can be easily planned and altered to meet the needs of an entity in terms of the available resources. This is because the network schedules enable tracking of the changes thus enabling control to meet the organizational needs. The flexibility of the network schedules makes it a necessity instrument in the management of an organization as well as management of projects undertaken by an entity. However, the start and end dates of a project or activity outlined in any network schedules are fixed. The management of an entity is thus tasked with ensuring that the organization meets the specified deadline dates for achievement of desired goals. This is paramount, as failure to meet such targets would result in the loss of client confidence or cost overruns as additional resources would be required to ensure completion of the activity or project (Network Scheduling Techniques, 498).

From the reading provided, I have learnt of the need by a manager at any level of an organization to use network schedules for achievement of goals in various activities and projects. The network schedule would enable me as a manager to ensure that I meet goals and timelines in execution of my tasks without strain, provided I meet my deadlines. In addition, the ability to evaluate the various tasks in a schedule is essential, as I am able to make alterations to ensure that the various aspects of the main task are implemented (Network Scheduling Techniques, 512).

Furthermore, I have also learnt of the ability to estimate the time of an activity. Estimations are essential in cases of uncertainty in execution of tasks in an activity or project. The use of the network schedules is based on an assumption that a project begins with immediate effect and that it is unique in terms of the requirements such as resources and time. Hence, an activity network schedule enables the evaluation of the costs of the activity such as the labor needed, raw materials and other related costs towards the achievement of the organizational goals and objectives. The network schedules give emphasis to the importance of time in achievement of organizational goals. They indicate the relationship shared between the goals, precise use of resources and the achievement of such (Harris, & Eastwood Harris Pty Ltd, 2010). Individually I find this learning process as essential in that I have learnt of the importance of time for achievement of my goals. The arrangement of tasks to achieve certain set goals is essential in that it enables dedication of ample time for completion of tasks to achieve an aim or target. Management of organizational resources irrespective of the organization is essential as this determines the success of an activity or project. Management of resources is paramount as mismanagement of the same would be detrimental to an organization leading to a dissatisfied customer and losses in terms of time and cost of operation. This would enable me to ensure that I allocate ample time for individual activities as well as resources for overall achievement of my goals (Harris, & Eastwood Harris Pty Ltd, 2010).



Harris, P. E., & Eastwood Harris Pty Ltd. (2010). Project planning and control using Primavera P6: For all industries including version 4 to 7: planning and progressing project schedules with and without roles and resources in an established enterprise environment. Doncaster Heights, Vic: Eastwood Harris.Network Scheduling Techniques. Pp. 493-547

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