Difference in Exposure of Different Sports to Diverse Populations

Posted: October 17th, 2013

Difference in Exposure of Different Sports to Diverse Populations






Difference in Exposure of Different Sports to Diverse Populations

Sports preferences vary with locations. Location determines people’s cultures. Available resources determine which sport is possible in which area; hence, this is the reason one finds a certain sport having a higher level of players from an ethnic or cultural group. However, with the growth in the sports sector from being just a hobby or social activity turning it into a profession generating significant levels of income, it has become common for teams to import players who show promise and talent in a certain sport. The teams offer to train the players to ensure growth in their skills and create discipline in the game. This cultural diversity in teams has proven fruitful, as each member of the team contributes their cultural styles where the managers and coaches are able to come up with unique playing techniques that enhance a team’s strength against the opponents. Different cultures have their own strength thus, by diversifying a teams cultural base, the team harnesses the strength of each individual, creating a force that would require understanding each different player and his or her uniqueness.

One professional league system that has significantly taken advantage of this strategy is the international soccer leagues. The level of cultural diversity in the major league players is high with clubs constantly scouting for new talent from different backgrounds worldwide. This leads to exposure for players from diverse populations making soccer a global game as the players consist of different cultures. One example of a major league player embracing cultural diversity is Chelsea FC. The main reason for this diversity is the un-discriminatory sourcing of talent globally irrespective of cultural background with the clubs main point being to gain maximum profit from the players they buy. This is because professional soccer is a financial venture that investors invest high stakes in hence their returns have to be promising.

This has led to the game gaining wide recognition and popularity world wide, as each nation feels like part of the league since they are represented. Therefore, the players act as ambassadors of their countries. Moreover, this game has led to the unification of nations, as they become one large soccer culture. This process has been made easier with these clubs owning training clubs where young and fresh talent is nurtured and trained to work as a team, putting at bay any inter-racial discrimination they may hold. A major player in this training sector is Arsenal, a team embracing young talent. These clubs also participate in community service. They have days dedicated to visiting schools and training young footballers providing motivation and knowledge to these players. This results in the growth of the soccer culture and the players being role models to their young fans create a drive for the game in the young hearts. This builds continuity for the game and eliminates discrimination among young people. After training, the players are transferred to clubs in the major leagues where they grow skill wise and in reputation to become main leagues players. Here, they participate in big leagues such as the World cup, UEFA champions’ league and the FA premier league.

On the other hand, the worst league at implementing cultural diversity in its players is the football league. One of the main reasons is that it promotes the all-American culture hence locking out other players from diverse cultures. Football is popular in the United States and Canada, but does not have wide popularity in the rest of the world as other games have. This is because it does not seek to import talent from other regions or instigate matches outside their boundaries hence fails to discover unrealized talent. One way that this sport can improve diversity in population is by recruiting into their teams players of diverse cultures hence creating a balance in the team, which will lead to more appreciation of the game by a wider range of people. This can lead to the expansion of the game, in terms of its influence across borders, with it being adapted in new regions. This will result in the growth of a new culture and increased revenue for the clubs and leagues.


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