Diversity in Society

Posted: October 23rd, 2013






Diversity in Society




Diversity in Society

Question 1

The myth of the model minority was first coined by a New York newspaper in the 1960’s. It targets the Asian minority with perceptions that all members of this group are successful and can survive on their own. The members of the Asian American community, as they are referred to, are regarded as a highly intellectual group with strong family value, factors that make them highly admirable. They have been used over the years as a benchmark in measuring the success of other minority groups living in America. Special focus is given to Asians from the east, south and southeast parts of the Asian continent. They are perceived to be highly exceptional in all their endeavors (Koppelman, 2011). Since the inception of this concept, various American newspapers have been publishing success stories of Asian people, all American immigrants.

However, many people fail to notice the underlying effects of this ideology, which advances false perceptions. According to the authors, it masks the harsh realities of life as a member of this model minority. These realities include racial connotations and classism. Because of this myth, many people cannot recognize that it is not a privilege to the Asian American community. Its members are, in fact, diverse, and the ideology only serves to cause conflicts amongst the group. The Asian American community consists of different groups from Asia, all of which are affected by the pressure of expectations heaped upon them by the myth.

Those from the aforementioned Asian regions, such as the south, are treated like the white middle-class community while the rest are accorded treatment of a lower class. Classism is further advanced by the assumption that the model minority can survive on its own; therefore, little government assistance is accorded them. There are economic differences among the various minority groups that constitute the Asian American community. It is also racist for other groups, more so the majority to assume that merit among Asian Americans is based on cultural dispensation, a fact that makes them overlook the necessities of life, also required by this minority. This myth does not evoke any pride in those it refers to, instead only reminding them of how it perpetuates racism and class exploitation.

Question 2

Hinduism is considered the third largest religion in the world. It is comprised of various rituals that are meant to create an intimate bond between its followers or Hindus and their spirituality. One behavior that Hindus do not consider right or view as out of place is eating meat, especially beef, since cows are considered sacred in their religion. Unlike Hindus, Christians see eating beef, among other types of meat or animals, as acceptable as long as the Bible supports it. These are considered products of death, where animals are killed in order to take the meat. Although some Hindus eat meat, it is usually of birds and sheep and not common at all. The Hindu religion believes in reincarnation after death into another living being. Thus, killing an animal might be killing a person who once lived. Another behavior is women interacting too much with the community. In Hindu religion, men are served with the responsibility of interacting with the community issues while women are supposed to take care of the home and finances. In Christianity, women are allowed to interact with the community freely.

When considering Islam, it is notable that several behaviors are considered inappropriate or not allowed while they are allowed in Christianity. One of the behaviors not allowed is eating pork. Muslims believe that pork is unclean and cursed because Jesus sent the demons from the mad man to the pigs that later drowned. Another behavior is taking wine. Muslims are not supposed to take wine since it is considered unholy. On the other hand, Christians are allowed to take wine considering that Jesus turned water into wine for people to drink (Kraft, & Basinger, 2008).




Koppelman, K. L. (2011). Perspectives on human differences: Selected readings on diversity in America. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Kraft J., & Basinger D. (2008). Religious tolerance through humility: Thinking with Philip Quinn. Aldershot, England: Ashgate.


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