Establish and Adjust the Marketing Mix

Posted: October 17th, 2013

Establish and Adjust the Marketing Mix






Characteristics of Diesel products

 The characteristics of the diesel fashion products are that they are diverse and unique. It has an array of different products that benefit the fashion sense of the consumers. The uniqueness of the product is defined by their quality and customization into an original lifestyle. Therefore, consumers are loyal to the company to grasp the lifestyle connection. Merchandise range from jeans, fragrances, bike helmets and sunglasses. The numerous products promote a fashionable complement in Diesel as a new brand.

Target market

The target market for Diesel is characterized by consumers who want a unique way of expressing themselves in terms of fashion. The CEO Renzo Rosso delved into the 1960’s rebellious fabric when he began the project and he seemed to express the rock and roll denim as well. He merged the two ideas to produce uniqueness and this attracted people interested in the redefined rock and roll jeans look. Since the passion was mainly to launch its own lifestyle, people conformed to the idea and were impulsively interested in its array of other fashion products.

Pricing policy

Diesel has a pricing policy that involves premium pricing. The pricing strategy communicates the quality of its products to the consumers (Kotler & Armstrong, 2001). The prices of the company’s products are in line with the experience of the particular products. It still maintains the impression of a unique lifestyle.

Justification of pricing policy

            Premium pricing is convenient to promote customer loyalty and it prevents the company’s products from being undervalued since it maintains a balance between the volume produced in the business and the type of products. Diesel therefore embarked on premium pricing for diesel jeans to enhance the lifestyle of the consumers to a premium measure (Silverstein et al, 2005).

Promotional Methods

            Diesel’s promotional method to gear consumers towards its products is based on engagement with the same consumers in mutuality. Having an environment that has an avenue for dialogue to understand the consumers’ other needs is a booster to diesel’s growth. This justifies the notion of lifestyle that the company is passionate about leading to more customized products and a definite customer base. According to Belch (2012), in addition to advertising, integrated marketing communication is important to appeal to the customers.

Channel of Distribution and Justification

            In this regard, the channel of distribution is also considered as the place through which the company ensures the product reach the consumers. Diesel works in conjunction with retail stores, which provide the link to the consumers. Besides this, the company maximizes on grand campaigns such as the ‘Be Stupid’ campaign and this is to expand awareness of the products and their location. This approach is used to give consumers the impression that the company is not imposing unnecessary interests on them but rather to make them comfortably accustomed to the Diesel products.

Level of Customer Service

            The level of customer service in Diesel is exceptional in the sense that employees give the consumers insight on the wide range of products appropriately. The employees are well trained to maintain customer relations by genuinely spreading the lifestyle of the company among prospects. They also maintain the loyalty of the established consumers by continuing to present different products that they can relate to in the process. The customer service is crowned by the incorporation of consumers in the business communication process. Tim (2011) believes that there should be a good communication network between the company and the consumers for it to thrive.

Psychology of Consumers

            Consumer psychology refers to the attitudes and perceptions towards the products sold or services offered in a particular business such as fashion (Solomon et al, 2001). Diesel products consumers are present a positive feedback shown by the company’s growth. They also want to identify with the company’s lifestyle. Therefore, they are in a better position to absorb other new products introduced by Diesel.

Relationship of Marketing Mix

            Marketing mix in a business involves products, place, price, promotion and people (Kotler & Armstrong 2001). The Diesel products are diverse therefore widening the company’s market and they are defined to promote the company’s lifestyle, which the consumers can identify with. There has to be a suitable channel to ensure that the products reach the targeted consumer and the pricing should display the products’ quality. Whether the mode is above the line or below the line, promotion should create as much awareness and reinforce the popularity of the product. The people involved in the marketing process should be motivated and made part of the decision making process.






Belch, G. E., & Belch, M. A. (2012). Advertising and promotion: An integrated marketing communications perspective. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (2001). Principles of marketing. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall.

Silverstein, M. J., Fiske, N., & Butman, J. (2005). Trading up: Why consumers want new luxury goods–and how companies create them. New York: Portfolio.

Solomon, M. R., & Rabolt, N. J. (2009). Consumer behavior: In fashion. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Timm, P. R. (2011). Customer service: Career success through customer loyalty. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall.

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