Ethics of Abortion and End of Life Decisions

Posted: November 27th, 2013

Ethics of Abortion and End of Life Decisions







Ethics of Abortion and End of Life Decisions


Abortion is one of the major ethical issues surrounding the society today with many citing that abortion is equal to termination of life while others arguing that abortion is a woman’s right involving her body. Moreover, some say that in some circumstances, such as when the mother’s life is at risk, abortion can be sought. The issue here is whether it is morally right to terminate the life of an unborn child. There are two groups in relation to the abortion issue, one being pro-choice while the other is pro-life. Pro-choice people state that a woman should have the right to receive any treatment she seeks including the right to abortion. On to the contrary, pro-lifers believe that life starts after fertilization, and terminating pregnancy is tantamount to killing a human being. This group regards the fetus as a human being even though it has not developed the vital organs.

In my opinion, abortion should not be legalized since it would have a tremendous impact on the population considering that many women may give invalid reasons for abortion, such as lack of the ability to take care of a child. Women who are not in a position to take care of children because of their current situations such as financial status and marital status may opt for abortion as a solution when they become accidentally pregnant. In my opinion, people should be aware that sex has its consequences and should be ready to take full responsibility. No one has the right to stop life that has already started from entering the world (Stocco, 2010). Abortion should only be permitted when intended to save the mother’s life.

End of Life Decisions

            Life-ending decision issues are concerned with moral right of terminate life or trying to do everything possible to prolong the life of a dying person. Many people suffer from terminal diseases that may cause pain, making life unbearable. Many people are put under life support machines to prolong their life. Some people are usually unconscious and may not be in a position to make any decision concerning their fate. A lot of hospitals offer advanced directives to their patients before admitting them, requiring them to sign papers about their fate should they happen to be mentally incompetent. Some of the questions they answer are such as whether to be put under life support, be resuscitated when their heart stops, or whether they should be left to die. They are also required to state a person that can make decisions for them should they be incapable of doing so. The decisions might also include choosing to terminate life of a suffering person to end their misery.

In my opinion, doctors are not always 100% sure of the fate of the patient, that is whether they will die or not. Some patients might stand a chance to recover from their conditions and such a decision should not be made until the person dies on their own. Doctors should do what they can for the patient and wait for fate to determine their end. A decision to terminate a person’s life to save them from misery does not only affect the particular individual, but also the people close to them. The person may make the decision that his or her life should not be prolonged more than necessary. Indeed, under some circumstances when it is obvious that the patient cannot survive no matter what the doctors do, and pain is involved, ending the life could be considered. If there is pain involved but chances of recovery are present, life should not be ended. Moreover, some people might choose to end their lives if they have no means of meeting the medical bills. This should not be considered as a reason to terminate life. However, patients do not need to go through all means of trying to save lives if the means are too harsh (, 2011).

Abortion and life ending decisions are closely related considering that they both regard the end of life. Life starts at conception as without conception there can be no fetus. Abortion should only be considered when it is meant to save a mother’s life and reasons such as marital status and financial abilities should not be considered valid in the procurement of an abortion. Life ending decisions should only be allowed in the worst cases where doctors are sure that the patient will not recover and has few days to live. Under such conditions, such decisions could be considered. In addition, if the patient stops breathing, the doctors should do all they can if there is a chance of survival. If there is none, there is no need to prolong the life.


Reference End-of-Life Decisions. Retrieved from

Stocco, O. (2010). My Unborn Child. Washington D.C., DC: Savant Books & Publications


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