Evidence Based Practice:

Posted: October 17th, 2013

Evidence Based Practice: Assignment 2




Assignment 2

1. Summary

            The search was based on the hierarchy of evidence pyramid. It was based on three levels of filtered information and one level of unfiltered information. Each level was achieved different results. At each level, it was important to sift through the data to ensure that only relevant information was used to build a case for the topic (Jacobson 2005). The search procedure used several databases to gain the relevant information for the topic. The article used was ‘Evidence-based nursing’ by Jacobson.

2. Topic Selected

            The topic selected was Elderly Nursing. The choice of topic is geared toward establishing a difference in nursing between the nursing in elderly homes as opposed to nursing in a hospital environment. The assumption is that the two environments offer different challenges in one way or the other.

3. Research term used

The research term used was “nursing for the elderly”

4. Number of results

            The search process involved three levels in the filtered information part of the pyramid, each level with its own database. The Critically-Appraised Individual level of filtered information was from Bandolier database and 40 results were achieved. The Critically Appraised Topics from National Guideline Clearinghouse database achieved 220 results. The Systematic Reviews level of hierarchy search was conducted on the Clinical evidence database that yielded 11 results. The unfiltered level information, the level used was the Randomized Controlled trials. The database used was Pubmed database, which yielded over 100000 results.

5. Types of information

In comparison, the databases offered different information. However, one thing was clear in that the information got better as the research levels went up the pyramid.

6. Value of Information

The peak of the pyramid, Systematic Reviews level, achieved the best results that offered information on the diseases that are common with the elderly, such as dementia, Alzheimer’s and how they are handled in nursing. The unfiltered level provided very many options that could be difficult to sort through when carrying out research.

7. Tip

            The most important tip that could be given while carrying out literature review is that the best literature is the one closest to the topic of discussion (Melnyk 2005).

Mary Levine is an important figure in the nursing profession. Levine’s Conservation model insists on the focus of solving active problems during nursing and believes in the necessity of personalized patient care. This is a nursing concept I find myself using since it is based on solving problems promptly while ensuring that the patient gets the necessary attention for their speedy recovery.

Without basing the research on a nursing theory, the research would have thrown a wider net into the inquiry about the nursing profession. In this regard, the research would have tried to determine the various theories used in nursing and how these theories were being employed in the nursing profession. It would also be more effective since, nursing is patient specific a single theory may not work for all patients. This would therefore allow the researcher to identify the various theoretical approaches to the nursing profession.


Jacobson, A. (January 01, 2005). Evidence-based nursing. The American Journal of Nursing, 105, 12.)

Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2005). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.





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