Five Most Important Points for Each Chapter

Posted: August 12th, 2013





Five Most Important Points for Each Chapter

Chapter 1

An anti-bias curriculum helps children figure out the difference between fair and unfair treatment. It makes children have a strong self-esteem, and not feel superior or inferior about their social status. Children grow more comfortable with each other despite their differences. It enables children to think critically about how their peers feel when discriminated.

Chapter 2

To create an anti-bias environment teachers must structure their teaching habits according to children’s needs. All activities should be integrated into the teaching system. All cultures should be treated as equal. Anti-bias topics that teach cultural diversity should be incorporated into the curriculum.

Chapter 3

Little children are aware of the privileges bestowed upon a certain kind of people at a young age. Teachers must be able to shape and direct the ways through which little children think. Teachers should understand the various views children have concerning matters that deal with racism and sexism. Classroom decorations, books and activities should reflect diversity.

Chapter 4

Children should be made to understand the fact that differences are good. Racial differences and similarities should be taught in such a way that children find them enriching. They should be made to know that there is no superior race. The learning environment should allow children to interact with their peers without feeling insecure. Children should interact with their peers from different backgrounds.

Chapter 5                                                             

Young children are supposed to be taught about people with disabilities via widespread and interactive means in order to overcome their fear. Children should be taught to be empathetic so that they may focus on the person and not the disability. Children with disabilities are to be taught to use their other abilities and to develop skills that will help them deal with injustices.

Chapter 6

Gender stereotyping creates an uneven cognitive development in both girls and boys. Boys are supposed to learn to embrace competition without feeling superior over girls. Girls have to learn that they are just as competent as boys are and can make similar choices. Children should to take up different roles. They should respect each other regardless of gender.

Chapter 7

Teachers should help children to develop an identity based on their cultures. The class should focus on multicultural ways of teaching. Teachers should desist from using methods that portray one culture as inferior or superior. Children should be taught to appreciate the differences in culture and race. Children should celebrate their culture without being discriminated.

Chapter 8

Children should be taught to be empathetic to diverse peoples. Teachers should instill a culture where children feel secure in their own identities. Children must be empowered with skills to identify unfair stereotypes. They should also be taught that bias causes pain to the victim. Children should learn to accept other people’s differences without stereotyping.

Chapter 9

Children should be taught to defend themselves and others. They should be taught on ways to act when confronted with situations of bias. Children’s empathy should be cultivated for them to be able to stand up for others. Critical thinking on bias issues is necessary for activism.

Chapter 10

Holiday activities should reflect the needs of the children; such activities should be culturally relevant. Teachers should take holidays as opportunities to teach about culture. Teachers should create appropriate holiday programs that reflect the needs of each child in the classroom. Children should identify with their culture and have an overall understanding of diversity through holidays.

Chapter 11

Parents and other family members should be involved in anti-bias education. Involving parents depends on the creativity of the tutors. Parents’ ideas about bias issues should be analyzed. Educators should find out about the cultural backgrounds of children. Parents can be used as advisors especially on issues concerning culture.

Chapter 12

Teachers should increase their awareness of different social and cultural contexts. They should analyze what they know about other peoples’ feelings towards diversity. A teacher should understand the disadvantages of unfair treatment. Teachers should talk with families about anti-bias issues. A teacher requires commitment and a change of attitude to be able to carry out anti-bias education.

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