Group Work and Reflection

Posted: October 17th, 2013

Group Work and Reflection







Group Work and Reflection

Taylor model is about creative thinking where it is based on the talents search. It entails communicating, productive thinking, planning, decision making, and forecasting (Eisenberg & Dirks, 2008). In a group discussion, it can be extremely effective if followed to the letter. This is because people can leave to their full penitential. Communication is one part that is of significant help in a group discussion. People need to have an understanding with one another at all times when they are having meetings. In the purposes of nursing, communication is critical because they are dealing with people lives. Therefore, within the team there were different interpersonal communication skills.

For instance, in our team we were a five-member team where we had to plan for our patient for five weeks. According to the Taylor model, communication is one important aspect the members are supposed to have. What I noticed from the different team members is that people have their own interpersonal skills. For example, people were expected to communicate to one another based on what they had learnt about the patient. In this case, some of the team members were able to attach themselves with the patient and acquire more information. In this situation, I thought the members of the group had excellent interpersonal skills.

However, there were challenges encountered in the team. I think it was hard for people to come and work together in the group. This is because; some of the people were not communicating with one another. Therefore, when we had a meeting not every body showed up. This meant that we did not discuss fully what we were meant to discussed. Additionally, due to lack of communication, people started to have emotional issues (Lehman & University of South Australia, 2001)

On the other hand, there were people who started to gain emotions. According to the Taylor model, communication entails feelings. When it came to describe feelings some of the members thought that they knew more than the other did and that they do not deserve to be there. This made things to be extremely difficult. This made them use words that other members of the groups did not understand. Additionally, they isolated themselves with the other members of the team. Therefore, based on Taylor model, it was extremely difficult for people to communicate.

Despite the communication trouble we had, we were able to discuss amongst ourselves and come up with a plan for taking care for our patient. At first, we devised a plan against ourselves where everybody was supposed to take care of the patient. This meant that the patient was not left alone at anytime. I think this was a excellent plan because the patients needs were cater for at all times. In the plan, we had catered for any emergences that could arise. For example, if the patient required immediate medical attention, we had a way to communicate to all members and call for the doctor who was in charge to help with the medication (Cateau & Bank of Canada, 2005). I think we handle that perfectly because the only time the patient had a problem we able to come up with a speedy solution that saved the patients life. In this case, I think the plan was of significant help since there was not time the patient went unattended.

I have learnt several things on the exercise. One of the things is that people are very different. In this case, one has to be patient with each other. Based on communication, people have their own characteristics. Henceforth, one has to be patient with each member of the team so that they can be able to understand. Therefore, after learning all this people will be able to communicate effectively without any hiccups. Secondly, people have to plan for the different task carefully. This is because things can go wrong and without a plan, it is extremely difficult to solve the situation. Therefore, communication is important, and planning is a strategic tool in a team.



Cateau, G., & Bank of Canada. (2005). Monetary policy under model and data-parameter uncertainty. Ottawa: Bank of Canada.

Eisenberg, M. & Dirks, L. (2008). Taylor Value-Added Model: Still Relevant After All This Years. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA.

Lehman, G. D., & University of South Australia. (2001). Interpreting globalisation using Taylor’s communitarian-republican model. Magill, S. Aust: Hawke Institute, University of South Australia.



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