Human Relations and Development

Posted: October 17th, 2013

Human Relations and Development





Human Relations and Development

Motivating managers and professionals is quite different from motivating technicians, considering these are people with a long-term commitment to their job. Hence in motivating them, their commitment needs to be considered. However, several factors can motivate managers and professionals. One factor that can motivate managers and professionals is recognizing their good performance by rewarding them promptly. If a manager is rewarded for good performance, they will want to have the reward many times; hence, motivation will be achieved when they know there is a reward for good performance. Autonomy is another motivator for managers and professionals. Any manager wants to feel responsible over their duties and jurisdictions by having the authority to act independently. More so, professionals are better motivated when they are given full responsibility and authority to perform their duties. This makes them feel appreciated and recognized by the firm as responsible and competent in their areas of work (DuBrin, 2010).

Managers and professionals are driven by the need for achievement. Hence, when managers and professionals are given responsibilities that they need to complete, they are motivated towards achieving the set goals and objectives. Hence, managers and professionals should be given responsibilities that ensure they achieve the goals of the company. Moreover, when there is an achievement in the firm, managers are motivated to continue working hard to achieve more, since it is their joy to achieve. Another factor that motivates managers is power. When they know they have power, where they are motivated by having influence on the employees as well as knowing they have the power to control those below them. Any manger without power is lowly motivated considering they cannot control those below them. Power sets them a part from the rest, giving them the satisfaction of being above the others, gives them confidence of being in control. Other factors such as opportunities to learn in the workplace are a motivator for many managers, to advance their skills. Having challenging job is another reason for managers and professionals to work harder, hence motivation is achieved. When jobs are too easy for managers and professionals, there is the tendency of redundancy at workplace. Therefore, having challenges keeps tem active at work (Shell & Staff, 2002).



DuBrin, A.J. (2010). Human Relations: Interpersonal Job-Oriented Skills. New York NY: Prentice Hall.

Shell, R.L., & Staff, S. (2002). Management of Professionals. New York NY: CRC Press.

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