It is more important to discover new ways of thinking about what is already known than to discover new data or facts

Posted: October 17th, 2013





It is more important to discover new ways of thinking about what is already known than to discover new data or facts

The statement ‘It is more important to discover new ways of thinking about what is already known than to discover new data or facts’, would be best interpreted  that new forms of thinking  about what is already in existence adds to the already existing ways of thinking. The main words in the statement:’ discover new ways’ and ’new or facts’, have their own independent meanings. Discover new ways; could be interpreted as identification of other perspectives of drawing up conclusions about existing issues, which at times are based on issues from actual experiences. It may also imply that it is easier to come up with new data or facts relating to already existing situations. On the other hand, new data or facts would take a considerable amount of time to come up with, as it would mean that such facts would have to be sought after and authenticated. However, this does not rule out the fact that it is possible to find new data or facts with ease relating to specific subjects. Nevertheless, it could also prove to be a daunting task trying to find facts or data that are unavailable.

Inventions might be because of new ways of thinking or discovery of new facts or data. Discovering more about what is already known broadens the capacity of creativity and innovation, while discovery of new data or facts opens a new world of thinking and analyzing issues. The invention of the light bulb by Thomas Edison is a relevant example of a knowledge issue. It poses different questions such as; was the invention a new way of thinking or was it because of discovery of new facts? .Both questions are intertwined, and are dependent on each other for relevance. New ways of thinking may have been introduced by the unearthing of new facts or data, which shows a clear relation between the discovery of new facts or data and the new ways of thinking. The invention of the light bulb was because of previous unfruitful attempts; new facts may have led to the success of the final attempt to make the light bulb. The discovery may also have been because of discovery of new ways of thinking; the success of the final experiment was maybe because of using different approaches to the same problem that may have been prompted by previous attempts, which were unsuccessful.

Thomas Edison may have been challenged by his failures to adopt different perspectives to achieve his goals of making a light bulb. It may also have been that he may have discovered new facts relating to the functioning of the light bulb, which may have enabled him to create a better light bulb. The initial idea of developing a light bulb may have been brought about by the fact that from his experiences of using lanterns, he wanted to create a light source that would change lives (Tagliaferro, 47). This is a clear depiction of new ways of thinking, in that he came up with a new perspective from the fact that his initial experiments with the light bulb did not work as expected. However, this was an alternative option that he had in mind during the making of the light bulb.

In the creation of the earth, there are many explanations or theories as to how the earth came in to existence. In relation to the statement: ‘It is more important to discover new ways of thinking about what is already known than to discover new data or facts’, question arise as to the ways that have emerged as to explaining the existence of the earth in addition to the existing theories. In the second part, the question as to how new facts or data explain the existence of the earth. The main theory as to the origin of the earth indicates that the earth was developed by accretion; a process described in scientific terms as an attraction of surrounding matter to a central region. New thinking emerges with explanations proposing that the world was developed from fusions of hot gases. These hot gases cooled rapidly from the outside region to form the earth with some saying that is the reason there are volcanic eruptions from the centre of the earth, this represents an explanation from new facts such as the existence of gases from beneath the earth. Others are of the opinion that the world was created by a supreme being. Such an opinion falls on both new thinking as explained by the Bible, which is quite specific as to the origin of the earth. However, all this claims as to the origin of the earth are based merely on assumptions and theories that are not authenticated; they lack clear and precise reasons as to their positions

In existence, there are many theories, which have been developed as to the origin of man. The main theory was that man evolved from apes. This claim brought about new thinking that man might have been created by a supreme being, God. It also enabled new studies as to the origin, which brought new facts such as the existence of remains of the historical man that helped to reiterate the fact that man came from ape like creatures. This claim however, may as well have been another creature with similar features to those of man. Charles Darwin, while trying to explain the origin of man formulated a theory stating that evolution occurred via the means of a process of natural selection (Ridley, 95). Natural selection occurred in such a way that the best organisms in a population were able to survive and adapt to the environmental changes that were quite common during the early periods after formation of the earth. His theories also stated that due to reproduction between organisms with different traits produced new and better organisms. Due to the advancements, new thinking was developed to help explain the existence of man; thus, genetics were adopted in the early 20th century to help in this quest (Ridley, 572). New methods of thinking are being adopted by scientists such as observational data and experiments have led to new theories being developed. This shows how new thinking has changed definitions of evolution by developing new theories. However, these theories are not factual but are based on studies that are based on factual happenings.

In mathematical calculations, infinity can be described as a value without end or bound. Infinity descriptions have varied and advanced from the different analysis by different people. In early definitions by the Greek scientist Aristotle, there were two infinities: actual and potential (Aristotle and Barnes, 24). In India, scientist Surya Prajnapti added the groups of infinities to from a new group of infinity: nearly infinite, truly infinite and infinitely infinite. This depicts a change by inclusion of new thinking. Later in 1655, John Wallis introduced the infinity sign, which was described as a snake consuming its own tail, which is a clear indication of new thinking with the subject already known. Leibniz a co-founder of infinitesimal calculus studied widely about infinite numbers and in the course of his workings found stated that infinite numbers were umbers on their own but different from real numbers, this gives rise to discovery of new facts that infinite are numbers own their own. Analysis of infinite values shows that infinite values could be used to construct complex valued functions in calculus, giving rise to new facts about infinity that were not in existence.

The discovery of new facts and data as opposed to new ways of thinking entirely depends on availability of the information. In addition, our own knowledge about what we know can help analyze specific situations better to arrive at truthful conclusions. As at the end of the year 2006 many astronomers concluded, that Pluto is not a planet any more. This conclusion was brought about by Eris; an object with 25% mass than Pluto was discovered. Such new discoveries lead to a change in our way of thinking and the conclusions we arrive at. This shows the significance gaining new data plays in developing new ways of thinking. Without these new facts, there would have been no possibility of concluding that Pluto was not a planet. In such a case, by only trying to discover new ways of thinking and only relating to old data we lack evidence and the justification and operate on mere assumptions that discovery of new facts can helpfully provide. In addition, we should regard the discovery of new ways of thinking in relation to old thoughts as a process that encourages perfection and advancement. This perspective is vital in developing a truthful view because lack of such a mindset would result in the presentation of false information and causing a lot of confusion to users of such information. This mindset serves as a basis for the beliefs of the human race. Such periodic change enables people to better understand the functioning of the world in general and in the process identify new facts and data.

The model of a Flat Earth was used widely around the world in many countries, before queries arose regarding such claims. Aristotle’s main aim was to find new ways of thinking about the Earth and the Universe in general to reconstruct the modern age’s perception of the universe and its composition (Aristotle and Barnes, 5). The necessity of thinking is clearly shown about in a new way that then later lead to further revelations about space, and new facts. Without this curiosity, and new ways of thinking about space and the entire solar system, there would not have been any progress and the human race would not have become so technologically advanced in space (Aristotle and Barnes, 14). Issues as we know them are always subject to change, such that we the number of facts are many to choose from, the facts we should use to arrive at certain conclusions. Having a basic mindset to look for knowledge for progress is a key feature in knowing. To discover new ways of thinking about knowledge already known uses a model of thinking that things are susceptible to change or manipulation, leaving a whole array of options to choose the preferred option. Discovery of new facts and data also applies the model that change is inevitable, thus, both thoughts mutually depend on each other.

Work Cited

Aristotle, and Jonathan Barnes. The Complete Works of Aristotle: The Revised Oxford Translation. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1984. Print.

Ridley, Mark. Evolution. Boston, MA: Blackwell Scientific, 1993. Print

Tagliaferro, Linda. Thomas Edison: Inventor of the Age of Electricity. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications, 2003. Print.

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