K-12- computers in the classroom

Posted: November 28th, 2013

K-12-computers in the classroom






K-12-computers in the classroom

In the mid 1990’s computers were introduced in the k-12 classrooms with the aim of reforming the education system and improving the students performance. The government is focused on increasing computers in schools and introducing laptops to reduce the ratio of students who share computers. There has been a positive change in the classrooms performance due to k-12 computers.

Computers in k-12 classrooms have improved the use of technology in and outside the classroom for both the students and teachers. This has resulted to teachers encouraging students to use computers to research and present their work (Beers, Paquette, & Warren, 2000).

Introduction of laptops in school has increased the students’ accessibility to computers both in school and at home. This has encouraged students to finish their homework on time (Belanger, 2000).

K-12 computers in the classroom prepare students into a real life experience. Due to the job market changing rapidly due to technology, these computers transform students to be fit enough for the job market (Cuban, 2001). The purpose and the effectiveness of these computers depend on the teachers training. Since the teachers are the mentors, the students depend on them for guidance (Johnson, 2000).

The belief that increasing computers in school will automatically boost the academics is a myth. Academics will improve if the computers are utilized in the proper way (Kleiman, 2001).

From the above information, one can conclude that computers have improved the performance of students, although it is clear that this is achieved only if the computers are used effectively for the right purposes.

Annotated bibliography

Beers, M. I., Paquette, K., & Warren, J. M. (2000). Student View of Classroom Technology Use.

This source is an appropriate academic source. It has been written by authors who are independent and tackles Technological education matters. The source explains how teachers integrate computer use in teaching the different grade levels. At the elementary level, the computer is used by the teacher as part of the lesson regularly approximately one to five days in a week. At the middle and high school levels, the computer is often used as a presentation device by both the teacher and students.

Cuban, L. (2001). Oversold and undersold computers in schools. Harvard College. 14-16.

This source looks at the purpose of the computer in the classroom. This source is a Google scholarly source, which has been carried out by Harvard College to find out the reasons computers were introduced to school and the purpose they are serving. According to this, source computers are supposed to transform learning into the real life. The other reason is to motivate students to perform better by use of computers rather than the old way. In addition, the computers were introduced to prepare students with skills for future use in the job market.

Johnson, K. A., & Heritage Center for Data Analysis. (2000). Do computers in the classroom boost academic achievement? Washington, D.C: Heritage Foundation.

This source looks critically at the question many people ask on whether the computers boost the academic performance of students. This source is an academic source and is non-biased since it is written by a non-profit foundation and an independent author. The source argues that computers do deliver the performance boost, but it all depends on how effective the computers are taught to the students. According to this source, the teachers training largely determine how much the student improves their performance. In addition, how each student utilizes the computer determines their performance.

Kleiman, G. (2001). Myths and Realities about Technology in K-12 Schools. The Centre for Online Professional Education (COPE). 2-4.

This source is a Google scholarly that explores the myths and realities that exist about technology in the k-12 system. The source, which is a product of an online professional education centre, is credible since the centre is dealing with education and is non-profit. The source point out that increasing computer does not necessarily mean more increase in performance, which an assumption schools make. Rather the most important thing is to train the teachers appropriately to teach the students effectively. Second is providing teachers with software that will enable them to integrate their curriculum well to fit in with the computer education. Another point is to provide sufficient technical support to reduce delays that are caused by malfunction of computers. Lastly, computers should be made part of the course work instead of an optional supplement.

Belanger, Y., & ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology. (2000). Laptop computers in the K-12 classroom. Syracuse, NY: Clearinghouse on Information & Technology.

The source is a credible academic source since it is an independent book. This source explores the use of laptops and the benefits of them replacing computers. The source states that one benefit of using laptop is the portability it brings with it. The students will be able to access it in school and at home since they will carry them. Also in the school, students can carry them from the classroom to the labs and library with ease. Laptops will ensure that students complete their homework on time including those that do not have computers at home because laptops provide motivation, better writing and presentations activities.



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