Learner Log Book

Posted: October 17th, 2013


Learner Log Book





The purpose of the Learner’s Log Book (LLB) is to document the achievements of the learner in a central repository that will be considered as evidence on the effectiveness of the learning process. It is a ‘monitoring tool’ that e-tutors use to report on individual learners’ progress and it is a way of ensuring that learners:

ü    Are engaged in their learning process

ü    They are experimenting by doing the tasks subscribed to them by the e-tutor.

ü    Avoid plagiarism because learners have to be engaged on a continuous basis and the informal assessment can therefore be used to ensure consistency with the main formal assessment.

ü    Provide e-Tutors with the opportunity to get to know the learners evaluate them and mentor them properly.

ü    There are templates that will reflect whether learners read, whether they understand, whether they assimilate the knowledge, whether they develop enquiry ability, whether they have the potential to conduct critical thinking and whether they can reflect on the knowledge accumulated by relating to real situations.


The onus is mainly on learners to furnish the required information in the templates after each unit based on the Read and Analyze Activity. After filling the information in the template, they need to e-mail it back to the e-Tutor.


e-Tutor will then comments on the work done and the involvement that takes place and give overall impressions on the learners at the end of the module.







Name: Omar Obaid Khadem

ID Number:   200004230

Course Title: Principles of Business Excellence

Section: 2

Article Title: Assessing customer focus using the EFQM Excellence Model: a local government case Brian Jacobs and Steven Suckling Staffordshire University, Stafford, UK

Date of Submission: 16/09/2012

Date of Received Feedback: ———————————————–


III. SUMMARY (100-200 words)


The EFQM Excellence Model is a way for companies to assess their quality. The South Staffordshire Council contact center wanted to determine whether it was focused on the customer when delivering local services. By using the excellence model, the managers were able to determine where their problem lay, and they found ways to deal with it. The managers were able to asses themselves, by focusing on their performance towards the customers. By using the model, the managers were able to identify key issues that were problematic within the organization. They were able to determine the presence of different interrelationships, and how these relationships affected the customer, and affected the council’s efforts to focus on the customers.




1. The relevance of the EFQM Excellence Model, and the benefits that companies hope to achieve by using the model for self-assessment

2. The importance of leadership in identifying the need for excellence, and establishing and ensuring the continuity of excellence within the organization

3. Relevance of all the stakeholders, including the employees, society, shareholders, and suppliers within the organization

4. Importance of having a balanced approach in ensuring the success of the organization, and in ensuring that the organization performs excellently

5. Ways that the EFQM Model can be used effectively in assessing and determining issues related to the customers

6. The importance of self-assessment to organizations, especially in determining problematic areas, which may hinder the organization from achieving its goals




Not Applicable 




Many organizations tend to look for ways of developing excellence within their various systems and processes. One of the most recognized and most successful companies in the UAE is Emirates Airlines. The airline tries to achieve excellence by ensuring that it continues to offer services that satisfy its customers. It recognizes the importance of the shareholders and other individuals and institutions that have financial interests in the company by ensuring that it offers services that will attract more customers and ensure higher profitability. It ensures that it satisfies the customers’ needs by developing services that exceed the customers’ expectations. The company recognizes the importance of leadership in delivering its objectives. It encourages a leadership approach and style of management that encourages the employees to deliver more. The company also recognizes the importance of employees to an organization. It ensures that it treats its employees well and it motivates them through various means. This makes the employees eager to work. They feel important and valuable to the company, and they are interested in the company’s success. The company works with different partners around the world. It operates in seventy countries, and it has partners in all its areas of operation. This has enabled it to be successful, since it has been able to use different approaches, relevant to the specific countries, yet it has still maintained its core principles.




The article brings out several important issues concerning achieving excellence within the organization. One of the most important aspects that the council focused on was to identify the various interrelationships between the relevant stakeholders. In this case, the council was concerned with the customers, and it was able to identify the interrelationships that existed among the customers. Organizations in the UAE can benefit by doing the same thing. They need to not only look at how the employees within the organizations can help in attaining excellence, but also look at how the customers affect the delivery of services. Finding out more about the customers is essential to the success of the organization. The article highlights the importance of leadership in creating focus for the organization, and in ensuring the delivery of services.




Excellence is not about doing things in the right manner, but it involves creating a balance between all the people involved. Organizations do not exist in a vacuum, and they need the society to thrive. Many organizations tend to ignore the value and importance of the society, yet they operate within the society. Some of them only remember the society as part of a publicity campaign and when ensuring corporate social responsibility, if the law demands it. Excellence involves balancing the needs of the society. The organization’s potential customers are just as important as its current customers are. Although many organizations understand the importance and benefits of satisfying their customers, some of them only design programs that will benefit the customers at that particular time, and they do not examine the future implications of those programs. Some programs are short lived, and this means that organizations have to spend more time, money, and personnel to develop other programs in future. Understanding the importance of potential customers, and their possible needs will enable organizations to develop long-term strategies and programs. Every organization can benefit from having partners. Organizations need to identify beneficial partners, who can assist in times of difficulties.



















Learner Log Book





The purpose of the Learner’s Log Book (LLB) is to document the achievements of the learner in a central repository that will be considered as evidence on the effectiveness of the learning process. It is a ‘monitoring tool’ that e-tutors use to report on individual learners’ progress and it is a way of ensuring that learners:

ü    Are engaged in their learning process

ü    They are experimenting by doing the tasks subscribed to them by the e-tutor.

ü    Avoid plagiarism because learners have to be engaged on a continuous basis and the informal assessment can therefore be used to ensure consistency with the main formal assessment.

ü    Provide e-Tutors with the opportunity to get to know the learners evaluate them and mentor them properly.

ü    There are templates that will reflect whether learners read, whether they understand, whether they assimilate the knowledge, whether they develop enquiry ability, whether they have the potential to conduct critical thinking and whether they can reflect on the knowledge accumulated by relating to real situations.


The onus is mainly on learners to furnish the required information in the templates after each unit based on the Read and Analyze Activity. After filling the information in the template, they need to e-mail it back to the e-Tutor.


e-Tutor will then comments on the work done and the involvement that takes place and give overall impressions on the learners at the end of the module.







Name: Omar Obaid Khadem

ID Number:   200004230

Course Title: Principles of Business Excellence

Section: 2

Article Title: Assessing customer focus using the EFQM Excellence Model: a local government case Brian Jacobs and Steven Suckling Staffordshire University, Stafford, UK

Date of Submission: 16/09/2012

Date of Received Feedback: ———————————————–


III. SUMMARY (100-200 words)


The EFQM Excellence Model is a way for companies to assess their quality. The South Staffordshire Council contact center wanted to determine whether it was focused on the customer when delivering local services. By using the excellence model, the managers were able to determine where their problem lay, and they found ways to deal with it. The managers were able to asses themselves, by focusing on their performance towards the customers. By using the model, the managers were able to identify key issues that were problematic within the organization. They were able to determine the presence of different interrelationships, and how these relationships affected the customer, and affected the council’s efforts to focus on the customers.




1. The relevance of the EFQM Excellence Model, and the benefits that companies hope to achieve by using the model for self-assessment

2. The importance of leadership in identifying the need for excellence, and establishing and ensuring the continuity of excellence within the organization

3. Relevance of all the stakeholders, including the employees, society, shareholders, and suppliers within the organization

4. Importance of having a balanced approach in ensuring the success of the organization, and in ensuring that the organization performs excellently

5. Ways that the EFQM Model can be used effectively in assessing and determining issues related to the customers

6. The importance of self-assessment to organizations, especially in determining problematic areas, which may hinder the organization from achieving its goals




Not Applicable 




Many organizations tend to look for ways of developing excellence within their various systems and processes. One of the most recognized and most successful companies in the UAE is Emirates Airlines. The airline tries to achieve excellence by ensuring that it continues to offer services that satisfy its customers. It recognizes the importance of the shareholders and other individuals and institutions that have financial interests in the company by ensuring that it offers services that will attract more customers and ensure higher profitability. It ensures that it satisfies the customers’ needs by developing services that exceed the customers’ expectations. The company recognizes the importance of leadership in delivering its objectives. It encourages a leadership approach and style of management that encourages the employees to deliver more. The company also recognizes the importance of employees to an organization. It ensures that it treats its employees well and it motivates them through various means. This makes the employees eager to work. They feel important and valuable to the company, and they are interested in the company’s success. The company works with different partners around the world. It operates in seventy countries, and it has partners in all its areas of operation. This has enabled it to be successful, since it has been able to use different approaches, relevant to the specific countries, yet it has still maintained its core principles.




The article brings out several important issues concerning achieving excellence within the organization. One of the most important aspects that the council focused on was to identify the various interrelationships between the relevant stakeholders. In this case, the council was concerned with the customers, and it was able to identify the interrelationships that existed among the customers. Organizations in the UAE can benefit by doing the same thing. They need to not only look at how the employees within the organizations can help in attaining excellence, but also look at how the customers affect the delivery of services. Finding out more about the customers is essential to the success of the organization. The article highlights the importance of leadership in creating focus for the organization, and in ensuring the delivery of services.




Excellence is not about doing things in the right manner, but it involves creating a balance between all the people involved. Organizations do not exist in a vacuum, and they need the society to thrive. Many organizations tend to ignore the value and importance of the society, yet they operate within the society. Some of them only remember the society as part of a publicity campaign and when ensuring corporate social responsibility, if the law demands it. Excellence involves balancing the needs of the society. The organization’s potential customers are just as important as its current customers are. Although many organizations understand the importance and benefits of satisfying their customers, some of them only design programs that will benefit the customers at that particular time, and they do not examine the future implications of those programs. Some programs are short lived, and this means that organizations have to spend more time, money, and personnel to develop other programs in future. Understanding the importance of potential customers, and their possible needs will enable organizations to develop long-term strategies and programs. Every organization can benefit from having partners. Organizations need to identify beneficial partners, who can assist in times of difficulties.


















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