Linux Operating Systems

Posted: October 17th, 2013


Linux Operating Systems


Final Course Paper Presented in Partial Fulfillment


Of the requirements of


Information Technology Research and Practice







            Being the one of the pioneers of free and open source software, Linux revolutionized the idea of operating system portability and flexibility in IT to a level envied by many. Linux operating systems or Linux OS contributes to one of the rare open source software that can be used, modified and distributed for personal and commercial usage. This literature review explores the ease of flexibility and the multi-faceted usage of Linux features, and includes annotated references for further information on the topic.

Table of Contents




Abstract …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2



Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3



Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4



Literature review …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5



Network Security Advances……………………………………………………………………………………………… 6

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7


Evaluating research………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8



Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11


Annotated Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12

References………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14














Linux was originally developed for minicomputers and mainframes but it was not until 1991 that the efforts by Linus Torvalds to create a better version of UNIX shaped things up for the product. Combining their work, a group of programmers created Linux – an OS based on an open-ended environment. The reason behind the constant growth and development of Linux was the cooperative efforts of volunteer experts who exchanged information about codes, bug reports and problems over the Internet. Since the 90s and up to the present, Linux has maintained being a free software product. Everything about Linux is accessible to the public and is offered freely. Over the years, this policy has allowed various companies to modify and distribute Linux. Famous examples of such distributors include SuSe, Red Hat and Caldera. In terms of technical advancement, Linux has been progressing from the command line instruction method to more user-friendly Graphical User Interfaces (GUI).












Literature Review


Computer technology has been extensive across the globe over the past 20 years. The development of technology through computers has contributed significantly to the growth of financial system in most countries worldwide. Linux was first released in the year 1991 by Torvalds Linus. However, the software has been developed by many people and dissected to enhance its efficiency. Linux operating systems operates according to the interaction of the user with the software. The software is supposed to be used by a variety of users while being controlled with a single or even two administrators. Unlike other operating systems, Linux is an operating system that enhances the integrity of the user using passwords. However, the main objective of the software is to control and organize software and hardware so that the device has a predictable behavior to the user.

Network Security Advances

Linux operating systems has contributed significantly in many aspects that benefit human being and the world as well. Over the past 20 years after the invention of Linux, the growth and development in schools, colleges, and other learning institution have benefited so much in the use of technology. Today, our society is being transformed by incessantly technologies that are changing learning to fundamental levels. It has become realistically imposable to operate learning institutions without the use of computers. Information technology (IT) is a course that has assisted most students to acquire knowledge and understanding in the society. In that case, the environment of higher education is changing dramatically over the years. In United States of America, over 80% of students have enrolled in IT course in order to be employed in IT sectors (Bovet & Cesati, 2005).

United States of America institutions are highly dependant on students who take IT course because they are believed to be the future of the nation. Today, America’s technology has benefited the world in many ways. University students have created different websites that can be accessed worldwide by other students (Casal, Flavi & Guinal, 2010). In addition, the efficiency of the modern technology is different from the ancient one because the computers are fast. E learning is one of the technology areas that are getting popular in learning institutions (Peek, 2002). E learning has attracted many learners across the globe mainly because of its flexibility. Compared to other sources of learning, technology has contributed significantly in development of learners’ knowledge. American lectures and other specialists refer to e learning because it is diverse where by communication and learning activities are made ease. Conversely, Harvard University College relies on information technology in different ways. Courses such as accounting and literature as well use computer technology to acquire information (Soyinka, 2012).

However, local governments of Africa do not rely much of the formal IT lessons. One of the common limitations that are contributing to negative effects on IT in African schools is illiteracy. Most students in Africa are born and taken through schools that do not have computer technology (Casal, Flavi, & Guinal, 2010). Therefore, this factor has affected Africa ever since the 20th century. Conversely, schools in China and Japan are significantly benefiting from IT studies ever since Linux operating systems were invented. Linux is fast and efficient compared to other operating systems. The use of internet in this operating system has been the major debate across the western countries, and eastern as well. Today, the American administration has adopted to use Linux in their computer systems because of its efficiency. Therefore, implementation of IT in learning institutions has contributed significantly in the development of the worldwide economy.

Businesses and Governments are educational institutes that have resolved to roll out Linux as an important aspect in learning. In the year 2007, the Russian government declared that all institutions would start running Linux software. The importance of this software to be run in education institution was to provide a significant method that would assist students’ to gain knowledge in their studies (Jang, 2011).

Linux operation systems offer some of the unique benefits in terms of networking. While using Linux in networks, it offers the administrator full control over the network. One can modify and change the code when necessary. Furthermore, an administrator can fight security risks much easier. Using the file permission systems, Linux prevents access by unwanted guests or viruses. This operating system provides a strong support for network functionality as it was developed by groups of programmers. As a result, client and server systems can easily be set up on Linux. Lastly, basic network operations such as network backups are more reliable under this platform.


In summation, although there are a variety of operating systems which are installed in desktops, Linux operating system stands out as the best. Linux operating systems (OS) contains many folders to ensure the desktop is functioning effectively. Linux OS contains many software managers that enhance its operations and functionality. Although Linux does not effectively manage Windows, it is more flexible and contains many options for configuration. Linux is also known as the most effective software for networking thus making it popular to many users.


Evaluating Research

Linux Operating Systems is a piece of software that was invaded by Linus Torvalds in the 1990s. It comprises of a layer of hardware and application programs that run on the Linux system. Linux system operates on four basic call systems that formulate the Linux system such that it produces illusion of the file that has been read from the data bytes. The system “protects you from the underlying details of tracks and sectors and heads and free block lists that you’d have to get into if you wanted to talk to the hardware directly” (How the Linux kernel works, 2009). Linux operating system works for the maintenance of file system abstraction that is transferable, probably to storage devices like CDs or hard disks. The file system can be displayed by the Linux system as a collection of files.

The greatest role of a Linux system is to allocate process schedule to the CPU such that a computer runs several programs at a go. By so doing, it manages the modules with little manual guidance. This ensures that overloading of currently active modules is mitigated. During the turning of parameters like sys/proc/under, the Linux suggests on the right adjustments to be made in order to attain a rightful file. Linux systems turn the performance of files in order to improve the performance of writeable parameters. IT managers have integrated the IBM excel features to the Linux operating system that perform similar functions but of a cheaper cost that favors the customers, making Linux operating system quite affordable at the market (Kay, 2012).

Peer research

Linux operating system is a component of Information Technology (IT) that has had adverse impact in the society. This is concerning its profound benefits that have been integrated in the societal activities. Its usage has replaced the manual handling of various activities following its significant accuracy and speed. Learning and business institutions embrace the significance of computer technology in their operations. In America, institutions have advocated for the administration of computer technology as a subject to learners in order to equip them with technological skills required in field of its application. The students have liked the influence of e learning   which is economical and saves most of their time. The government has also reviewed the education curriculum in the essence of ensuring that computer technology has been made part of the education system. In law agencies and accounting sectors, information technology is widely applied thus ensuring genuine results and efficient work (Leichter, 2012)

The two presentations on Linux operating systems are widely done but the presentation of ideas differ in a way. For the media article, Linux system is viewed from the perspective of its composition and functionality. Each segment is analyzed in details such that the reader can identify the role played by the particular supportive device of the Linux system. The article states that, “many Linux reporting tools present nicely formatted versions of the information they find in the files under /proc” (How the Linux kernel works, (2009). This indicates that file systems and system calls are assigned the roles of transferring the meaningful information in the storage devices and protecting the software from being blocked or tracked from necessary sectors and heads respectively. The idea of ‘operating system’ is analyzed in details where each particular component of the Linux system is matched with its rightful function, including the form in which it can be secure or risky to the system. The contributing components are precisely discussed on how they are fixed to the system in order to ensure maximum performance towards the system.

Conversely, the research carried recorded by the peer student on Linux system is generalizing the influence of the system to the society. The research outlines how beneficial Linux system is to various institutions, businesses and other technology based fields, where the researcher argues that, “Courses such as accounting and literature as well use computer technology to acquire information” (Bovet et al, 2005). It further focuses on how current students embrace the concept of e learning, the internet along with how they have advanced because of the same. Government’s contribution towards the assimilation of information technology is given in details to support the argument of the research (Ferris, 2007). The research is meant to imply that Linux systems are very crucial to the significant to an individual and the society.

The research item needed detailed information on how the Linux ‘operating’ system came about- by whom, when and for what purpose- and how its components are compatible with each other to ensure operation. The media article presents the logical presentation of a research that contains helpful information on the given topic. In addition, it has identified those components that are efficient in terms of cost and performance, for instance, the IBM excel features that were added to the core kernel (Linux system) to customers’ demand in reference to the reduced prices of the systems that performed similar functions (Kay, 2012). The annotated bibliography recorded on the peer’s research article did not really show the origin, compatibility and performance of the system but gave the impact the systems have to the society. The significance of the annotations to the research material is not recorded below the summary.

The research on Linux operating system is of great help to the users and aspiring users since it establishes how the operating system functions. Each component is discussed in details what role it plays in the system, thus specialists can connect the compatible components rightfully (Smith, 2011). In case of breakdowns, repairs can be conducted accordingly since technicians have the knowledge of what could have gone wrong and why. In addition, system organizers understand the cheaper compatible features that serve a similar purpose thus planning what is good for their customers to their satisfactory.


            Linux has provided a rare service to all computer users across the globe. Its strong networking abilities have transformed it into the most preferred operating system especially by online communities. The IT sector thrives on sharing information and Linux facilitates this by providing superior networking facilities. It open-source structure makes it dynamic as well therefore keeping it updated. Lastly, the tight security measures that can easily be customized by any administrator make it quite difficult for hackers to infiltrate the Linux system making it one of the safest operating systems.

Annotated Bibliography

David, S. (2008). Open systems in practice and theory: The social construction of
Participatory information networks
. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A:
Humanities and Social Sciences, 69 (5-A). Open systems in practice and theory: The social construction of Participatory information networks has the dominant theme of ICT and participatory systems. Using four case studies namely Linux, BIOS, the American Radio Relay League and the Ground Observer Corps, David Shay develops the term “open systems” and goes further to explain the framework how social groups have impacted the traditional as well as the modern information systems. Shay David elaborates the benefits of networking with Linux such as multi-user ability and multi-tasking.

Casal, L, Flavi, C., & Guinal, M. (2010). Relationship International Journal of Information Management quality, community promotion and brand loyalty in virtual communities: International Journal of Information Management. 30 (4), This article points out the ability to support open source programming that is unique to Linux and has made it possible for talent-rich but resource poor regions in Africa and South Asia to access advanced operating systems at virtually no cost. Copyrighted software like Microsoft can only be accessed through purchase at a price that is well beyond the reach of most users. This article states that Linux moves in to bridge the gap between affordability and functionality. Casal cites the numerous online collaborative groups that are presently the dominant feature in web-based communication as relying on Linux systems.

Trochim, W. M. K. (2006). The Research Methods Knowledge Base. 2nd Edition. In his book, Trochim addresses the quantitative methods through an informal style that nevertheless delivers the information. The purpose of this book is to examine effective web-based guideline or electronic textbook that covered some of the social research methods like probability, surveys, questions, experiment, analysis, and design for writing research projects. Trochim (2006) stated that the Knowledge Base (KB) web site article also covered ideas of how to do validation in the research as well as ethics and the dependability of measures. This article was of interest because KB was built to be unlike any other normal research methods writing scripts available in the market due to that it employs a comfortable and casual approach in involving both new and knowledgeable research students.
















Bovet, D. P. & Cesati, M. (2005). Understanding the Linux Kernel. Boston, MA: Safari Tech Books Online.

Casal, L, Flavi, C., & Guinal, M. (2010). Relationship International Journal of Information Management quality, community promotion and brand loyalty in virtual communities: Evidence from free software communities. 30(4),

Ferris, P. (2007). Linux Education in America: Inspiration from Russia? LXer. 24 Sep 2007. Web. 5 May 2012. Retrieved from

How the Linux kernel works, (2009). Retrieved from Tux Radar:

Jang, M. H. (2011). Security strategies in Linux platforms and applications. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Kay, R., (2012). IBM Uses Openness to Drive Own Solutions. Retrieved from Forbes:

Peek, J., Todino, G., & Strang, J. (2002). Learning the UNIX operating system. Beijing: O’Reilly.

Smith, S. (2011). About Linux Operating Systems. Retrieved from eHow tech:

Soyinka, W. (2012). Linux administration: A beginner’s guide. New York: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media.

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