Managing Ethically

Posted: October 17th, 2013

Managing Ethically






Managing Ethically

Some businesses require long working hours and a lot of traveling. When employees enter into contracts a business they are required to know details about the business, such as, the working hours, the pay, the time off and so on. Hence, the employee is free to leave if it does not fit his schedule or discuss the issues he has with the employer. On this account, there are no ethical implications of requiring employees to work long hours and travel extensively. An employee should choose work that fits with his schedule and that would enable him meet his other requirements. For example, in military, they are required to travel often and spontaneously. It is one of the job requirements. When entering into such jobs, one should be able to know how he/she will fulfill their other needs. Off time could be used well for family time and other personal requirements.

When employees enter into jobs requiring long working hours, employers assume that the employee knows what is needed of him. So the employer cannot be held accountable if the employee cannot meet his other personal demands. Some employers also use this to see whether the employee works hard. However, employers should perform their part. Working hours should not be extended beyond the time that was agreed. They should give time off as agreed. Managers have the responsibility to make sure that there is a good working environment for employees. When they do this, company goals are more achievable. The manager should overwork the employees. The managers should maintain good professional ethics, to enable a good workforce. “Professional ethics are standards that govern how members of a profession, managers or workers, make decisions when the way in which they should behave is not clear-cut” (Jones, & George, 22).

In order to maintain balance between work and private life, some companies allow children into the work place. At some offices for example, new parents are allowed to bring their babies until the baby is mobile. There are also day care centers in work places. These hence increase the employees’ loyalty to the work and their morale. Maternity leave is also given to employees. Some of the other benefits that a company could give to its employees, for a balanced professional and private life include; group activities, where employees are encouraged to meet outside work, counseling assistance, that gives employees counseling and yearly activities such as, sports and so on.

In order to perform well, some businesses have to extend both locally and internationally. To do this, it would require a lot of traveling in order to meet the demands in the extended areas. Managers have an objective to meet this and require a work force that understands what is needed of it. Businesses that have links or that have extended internationally would require employees that can work in this schedule.

All in all, it is an employees’ responsibility to choose workload that would fit his personal life. When he chooses to work in a business that demands too much of him, he should be able to meet the demands of the business. He should comply with the agreement and perform as expected of him. Employers should their part and meet their side of agreement. A business should have a good ethical culture in order to gain loyalty from its employees.







Jones, G.R., & George, J.M. (2011). Essentials of contemporary management. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Armour, S. (2008, 3/31). Day care’s new frontier: Your baby at your desk. USA TODAY. Retrieved from:…/2008-03-30-babies-at-work_N.htm

Trevin˜o, L. K., & Brown, M. E., (2004). Managing to be ethical: Debunking five business ethics myths. Academy of Management Executive (vol. 18, no. 2). Retrieved from:



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