Posted: December 2nd, 2013






1.         The four factors model of motivation suitably applies in Joe’s situation. Motivation at work is derived from a combination of energetic forces originating within individual and external factors. Joe’s situation shows lack of motivation within the workplace ultimately affecting his level of productivity. Some of the reasons Joe lacks motivation include; superiority complex, poor work relations with fellow employees and relatively low salaries. At one point, Joe claims to be the lowest paid individual within the firm. He also asserts that the other employees disregard him because they have a degree and he does not. He is not motivated to work with the team of colleagues. Joe does not seem to be excited about his work anymore, a clear indication of low motivation.

When an employee lacks motivation, the overall output is affected. Consequently, Joe has recorded poor performance in carrying out his duties. Management has even noticed that Joe has slacked off and producing poor quality of work. He is also found daydreaming at his desk. His lack of motivation causes him to perform poorly. Working with fellow colleagues has also become difficult. When an employee has disagreements with others, they lose focus on the work and efficiency is lowered. Poor performance leads to poor and inconsistent outcomes. Productivity levels within a firm must be consistent and of high quality.

However, for Joe, this is not the case and his efficiency affects fellow employees and overall output within the firm. Lack of satisfaction in Joe’s scenario also affects the whole firm over a long period. Disagreements with fellow staff also reduce their motivation and poor environment, which affects their contentment. Eventually management will not be pleased, and the firm might record losses. Therefore, the four principles of motivation have a ripple effect on the company from the individual to workers and finally management.

2.         Poor performance at work needs to be properly confronted and diagnosed to avoid recurrent costs. A performance diagnosis model is used to uncover the factors that lead to poor performance. The manager has to identify there is a need to improve performance. In Joe’s case, his low quality work creates the need to enhance the situation. When Joe confirms that his responsibilities are clear, and procedures are obvious, he has to look whether resources are sufficient. It is clear that Joe is not motivated, and resources are insufficient. He does not have enough equitable rewards too.

Earlier on, Joe had complained that he felt like the lowest paid employee within the firm. His low work quality is attributed to problems at work coupled with a few personal problems. His conclusion is that his work needs to improve. Joe’s attitude must change towards himself and others in the office. He must work together with others to improve and shun any conflicts. Management is also set to improve the current conditions to avoid straining employees like Joe. Enhancements are to be made to motivate Joe at work and boost performance.

3.         The nine steps in the performance diagnosis model are applied effectively in Joe’s case. When an employee agrees to the need for improvement, he has to ensure that his or her responsibilities are understandable. When the procedures are clear, but there are inadequate resources as with Joe’s condition, management may allocate more resources in terms of more employees. If an individual feels unmotivated to perform, just like Joe, because they lack relevant rewards and disempowered they will have to clarify their expectations setting clear and agreeable goals with the employer.

Joe also cites inadequate equitable rewards because his salary is lower than that of his fellow employees. He is also fit for the job and management acknowledges his practical knowledge in architecture and construction business. With these steps, management finds answers to queries related to his lack of motivation and productivity. After reprimanding, the management has to redirect and redesign Joe’s work. Some rewards can be given to him. Among the intrinsic rewards he can have are building a culture of engagement between Joe and others whom he feels do not consider his opinions. This can be done by promoting Joe from the position of a drafter.

Management can instill a sense of meaningfulness in Joe’s work by giving him advanced responsibilities. Extrinsic rewards for Joe may include pay rise and bonuses when his work is outstanding and exemplary. Working hours can also be reduced so that Joe does not feel overworked. Joe’s work can be redesigned from a simple drafter to join architects. Fellow employees will be of a similar level because he shares their knowledge and expertise. Consequently, he will be granted due respect and appreciation.

4.         There are factors other than Joe’s attitude and performance that require to be addressed within the organization. First, the company has been experiencing increased workload and neglected tending to employees and their needs. The work environment has been undergoing many activities in relation to the workload. Consequently, the environment at work does not have suitable conditions for the staff. Workforce motivation has also gone down, and Joe is just an example. Practices that are usually associated with good work place surroundings have been ignored over time.

Formal performance reviews have not been done for some time. Accordingly, employees are not working efficiently. Some are even disregarding their associates, which should not be the case. Workers within the same department should always work as a team and work with each others contribution. This has also affected employees like Joe. Career counseling is also important to boost performance by the workers. When employees realize that they are under high pressure, they tend to look for work elsewhere. Somewhere that has suitable conditions that meet their particular needs.

Pressure also causes conflict among workers as they attempt to balance work, family and other responsibilities. An employee should work in an area where he or she can balance work and other social responsibilities. This was not the case for Joe, and he let out his frustrations on the other members of staff. However, the social hour at the office was a past phenomenon as they worked on the increasing workload. People do not have their weekends free and work overnight. They are not getting breaks, and, as a result, they become more aggressive when doing their assignments.

Linking up during the social hour was important as employees gave suggestions to upgrade the work environment. Interaction between staff and management is crucial to deal with pertinent issues. Joe used this forum to offer his view of the work area on any improvements to be undertaken. In addition, with his knowledge of construction businesses and architecture, consideration should be taken to increase his salary. With such concerns met, Joe’s attitude will ultimately change. He will become motivated and produce high quality work. Employing more people will reduce the workload.

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