
Posted: October 17th, 2013









Ways of Enabling People to Solve Problems on Their Own

In many cases when problems needing to be solved arise in an organization, workers and teams involved often seek the intervention of the leader. Some of the problems could be solved by the workers themselves if only they had the power, authority and knowledge of solving problems and conflicts. A leader can enable the people to solve their problems in several ways such as training and development, empowering, delegating authority and leading by example (Shaw, 2005).

One of the reasons that workers seek the leader to solve the problems for them is due to lack of knowledge on solving the problems. Training and development is one way that a leader can enable the people to solve their problems. Through training, workers can gain knowledge on conflict management, and steps of solving problems. Considering that some problems could be technical or professional, lack of knowledge may reduce their ability in solving problems. Through training and development, the people will be empowered to solve the problems. Authority on the other hand is a limiting factor in solving problems (Shaw, 2005). People will feel that only the leader has the authority to make decisions when problems arise. However, though issuing authority or delegating some tasks, leaders can enable the people to solve problems. As long as the have knowledge and the authority, they will be forced to solve the problems among them selves. However, when problems related to work arise when the leader is absent and none of the people has authority, nothing can be solved. Through delegating leaders, enable people to solve problems on their own. Another way of enabling people to solve problems is leading by example, and providing them with an insight of how they can solve their problems. Considering many people will look up at leaders, being a good example helps people draw from what the leaders do (Shaw, 2005).

Situations When Motivation is most needed

            There are times when workers need more motivation than usual times depending situation at the work. In some of these situations, the path-goal theory of leadership can be used. Some of the situations where motivation using path-goal theory fits well is where the job stressing, hazardous, boring difficult, very technical and tiring. Why this theory fits in is because of its nation that there is one perfect way of achieving a set goal (Shaw, 2005). With this theory, the leader clarifies what path the subordinate should follow so that subordinates will be aware of the way to be followed in pursing the goal. This helps the subordinates in focusing on the right path towards achieving the set goals and targets through the easiest route especially when the job is difficult or technical. Sometimes when the job is in plenty for a pick season, such motivation and direction is important to help the subordinates achieve more, and probably work overtime.

Leaders can then remove all the roadblocks that could be there, which may stop the subordinated from getting to the path to achieve the goal set after clarifying the path. This way, the leaders help the subordinate achieve goals easily especially when the job is quite difficult. When there are several roadblocks stopping the subordinate from getting to the set goals, the leader helps in removing them. with the help of the leader in difficult situations, the subordinate does not feel left alone since there is support when things get difficult than they are.

In addition, the leaders can increase the reward as progress is made on the way to encourage and motivate the subordinate to move on with enthusiasm. Therefore, in areas where the jobs are difficult, stressing, technical, and even hazardous, motivation would be needed in order encourage the subordinates to do the job. Increasing the reward can be quite motivating in all the situations, but still has to be accompanied by other means of motivation (Shaw, 2005).

Transformational Leaders

Transformational leaders seek to transform the organization to be the best it can be. All organizations need to be at their optimal best in order to be more successful. Transformational leaders are driven by their passion and vision of making the organization a success but sometimes could fail is they are too enthusiastic (Shaw, 2005). However, for the current world that is so dynamic every minute of the day with new policies, ideologies and advancements in all areas, the speed of adopting is the most crucial in succeeding in such a world. Therefore, organizations need transformational leaders who can transform the organization to the most desired direction, depending on the situations.

Transformational leadership allows collaboration between the leader, followers, and other stakeholders in order to provide customization of services and products, which the current market is changing to. Therefore, organizations must be geared towards achieving customization rather than just pushing the goods and services in the market. It is only through transformational leadership that such customization can be achieved since it requires a lot of cooperation between all stakeholders. Therefore, organizations need transformational leaders all the time in order to move with the current needs of the market (Shaw, 2005).



Shaw, K.A. (2005). The Intentional Leader (5th Ed). Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.

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