New Selection Method for Senior Employees

Posted: November 28th, 2013

New Selection Method for Senior Employees






New Selection Method for Senior Employees

Going by the current standards, hiring senior staff has become a task that is relatively costly not only financially but also in terms of time consumption. Having noted that, I wish to emphasize that we should stop at nothing in the quest to hire the right employees for this company. Such an investment will save us a lot of problem from struggling with unmotivated members of staff. For better performance and great achievements, we require contented employees who are unswerving in their performance. By so doing I believe our labor cost will drop to a significantly lower mark than ever before. Recruiting wrong senior staff for this organization may lead to lowering of the existing workforce’s morale.

This concern therefore forms the basis as to why a new strategy aimed at identifying the right employee rather than the most attractive resume needs to be worked out. Concisely, the right employee fits into the job as stipulated in a flexible and committed approach. This intrinsic virtue cannot be expressed in writing but by formulating specific ways to establish the same. To that effect, I have been engaged in a rigorous search for a basic and effective solution for this setback. Owing to the current difficult economic state of affairs, it is apparent that a cost effective approach to any decision must take precedence (ACAS, 2011). It is with such an understanding that I managed to come up with this proposal in an attempt to adopt an efficient hiring process.

My proposal in regards to hiring our senior staff members is to recruit the existing staff or alternatively getting referral from them. As I affirmed earlier, finding the right person for a job is very distinct from finding the best person for the same. Selection for our senior employees therefore should be inclined towards the acquisition of the right team of players as opposed to best players. This process will not commence at the fact that one is an employee here hence eligible for recruitment. I intend to go to the depths of the person’s integrity and decision-making skills to find out whether we can rely on his competence for the position. The process I propose will be commencing few months before the probable recruit is briefed about the company’s intentions.

After prospecting emergence of a position say in the managerial post, we can come up with a name or names of specific employees that have shown outstanding performance. Without informing them, we can begin by delegate to them managerial responsibility. This will include making of appointing and delegating responsibilities to the rest of the staff. If one portray the ability to carry out these tasks under minimum supervision to the committee, then that is the person to go for (Krikorian, 2011). During this period, the panel will have an opportunity to scrutinize and cast aspersions on their rationale and integrity. I modeled the exercise in such a way that by the end of that strategic period, the panel will have had enough time to evaluate the candidates.

On the hand, the candidate will have had gathered some knowledge as well as the much sought-after experience. The benefit of this process is that it has mutual advantages embedded on its actualization. As the panel decides whether to have the candidate hired, the experience gained may unravel some unknown talents that may prompt the candidate to want to pursue it further. With the urge and willingness to continue, such an employee will be more than happy when the opportunity arises. After a period of 2 months or so, if the panel is satisfied with the results, then the candidate is eligible and fit for recruiting. This selection process yields employees that have been tried, tested and approved as to meet the standards (Krikorian, 2011).

This process might be seen as one that is time consuming, considering that the assessment period is set out to be two or more months. While this is true, the two months in question only applies to employees that have not been working with the company for that long. For those that have been working with the company long enough, consistent assessment of their performance makes the process very easy. Due to interaction and performance, the panel will have difficulties in identifying the right person to head a particular department. This I think is what we have been looking for. A process that involves less of theoretical emphases but upholds practical performance based on efficiency.

My emphases on recruiting our own employees are informed by various emotional principles that affect the performance of an employee. The first one will be the emotional feeling of being left out or unappreciated. Take for example an employee who has worked here for close to a decade (Krikorian, 2011). This person naturally knows and understands the finest details of operations in this company. Although the ten years or so he or she have contributed to in putting the business where it is currently. At the event where a position is anticipated or there is a vacant position, fairness demands that he or she be considered for recruitment. Failure to do so would only lead to emotional disappointment not only to that particular person but also to the entire workforce.

The worst thing to happen is to have employees who feel that the company they work for does not recognize their effort. This will automatically affect the performance of the employees as their morale fades away. Employees being human wants to be recognized and appreciated but if this is not achieved, severe implications to the company’s economic growth. Issues touching on employees sense of belonging must be handled in a very seriously and considerably. Giving the employees to lead in higher position is gesture considered by many positive. This would boost their morale as it shows evidently that hard work will be rewarded.

Holding on to the above reality it is important to note that academic qualification must not be compromised to accommodate the emotional consolation. Knowing that some of these employees may not have the required skills to attract a promotion, I devised a way out. Organizing annual seminars and exchange programs with other players in the industry would create great leaning avenues. I even recommend that the company should invest in partial sponsorships to encourage the employees to improve on their academic achievements. With such a plan rolled out, there will be no issue on lack of qualification to hinder promotion.

Other than causing people to work hard, there is also the sense of belonging to the family of colleagues. After the day’s challenges, colleagues bond together and interact with each other in order to relax (Human Resources, 2011). This routine creates a bond and a sense of belonging to the family of colleagues. With this kind of an atmosphere, introducing a new member of staff to the already existing family to be the head my not be a good experience for the newcomer leader. His or her colleagues may be rebellious as human beings are resistant to change. The amount of time he or she takes to be fully absorbed into the system can be avoided if it were an already existing employee. Again, I want to retaliate that my method is in all perspectives better in saving time and resources.

As promotion of staff takes place, it is notable that there are vacancies created as well and this situation many people approach it as a shortcoming. Nonetheless, in my proposal for New Selection Method for Senior Employees, I see this as an opportunity to hire just what I needed. For the vacant positions due to promotions of a person to a higher office must be filled so that the company does not stop its functions. Here I suggest the use of our staff to find additional staff. Having your own staff finding you additional workforce has great advantage. This means that the company will benefit from having good employees since the existing employees will make sure they bring person of integrity of a good character. They will be careful to protect the there image.

As I said earlier, having good employees will always have a positive outcome because men and women of integrity are driven by convictions and not by influence. Good employees do not have to be supervised to have some work done. These people are self-driven and are competent with skills. To avoid absenteeism, report to work late, false excuses and always complaining employees, we must have a trusted source from were to find such. In that case, no one else or any other source is better placed to do that than our very own employees do. This is true because they have already proved it while they have been working here for whatever period. The fact that we are still keeping them shows clearly that we can depend on their judgment regarding a good person.

The next best people who we can depend upon are our former employees that are retired or just left the company with good records. These people have worked here and they can be trusted to provide the workforce with a pure, talented and competent work force (Perry, 2011). I intend to introduce these ways that in my docket in an attempt to make sure that every resource at our disposal is utilized to the maximum. Of course, with extra care again to control depletion. It is through my simple submission that I wish to express my gratitude for you patience and for offering me this opportunity to share my mind regarding new ways to hire senior employees.

I hope to see my ideas turn into long-term solutions and make this company the best performer with the most unique and effective task force. I believe if we can try, the simple ways that I have shared above, this company will see such growth like it has never seen before. History has shown that a little extra mile can really change a whole lot of things. In these times of great and rampant innovation, we cannot afford to maintain status quo rather we need to have our eyes and ears wide open to cease any opportunity that shows up. Thank in you once again for your audience, m hoping for the best. .


Krikorian, M. K. (2011). Career Planning Associate. Retrieved from

Perry, P. M. (2011). Seven Ways to Recruit Great Employees. Retrieved from

Human Resources. (2011). Employee Selection Retrieved from

ACAS, (2011). Promoting employment relations and HR excellence. Retrieved from

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