Posted: October 17th, 2013





What are some advantages and disadvantages of using formal and informal channels of communication? How can managers use rumors to their benefit? Is it ethical for managers to use rumors? Why?

In the formal communication channel, it is well planned and established. Communication mainly revolves around the company’s strategy and direction originating from company’s executives to their subordinates. Thus, direct contact with subordinates by the executives encourages a more effective interaction. The executive passes on knowledge and management skills to their subordinates. In informal communication, also known as grapevine communication, information tends to spread faster throughout the organization. It also reduces stress and anxiety as it mostly serves a social purpose. It also helps identify problems and lack of satisfaction in the work places. These are the advantages of both the formal and grapevine communication. The disadvantages of formal are: events in an organization cannot be formalized hence not much is foreseen. There is also an increase in the workload of the line of the superior since communication channels and authorizations are done through them. There is little or very minimal communication between the top executives and the least of subordinates. In grapevine, the disadvantage is that it is often used for rumors (Martin, 54).

The managers and executives of companies may benefit from the use of rumors since it will be a direct reflection of their leadership. This will help improve on the relationship with their subordinates and methods of running the company. On the other hand, it may not be ethical for executives of companies to use rumors since it will alter several company principles that have held the company so far.

What are the different techniques in group decision-making? What are the strengths and weakness of these techniques? Do you think everyone on the team should be involved in decision-making? Why?

Decision-making in groups is a way of handling an issue at the workplaces. When several minds brain storm on an impending issue, the solution is arrived at in time. However, final decisions in a group are not that prevalent since disagreement does occur. Therefore, group decision-making techniques are more effect since they transform ideas into action plans (Martin, 113).

The first decision group technique is Nominal Group Technique, which tends to eliminate laziness in each group member. A selected group moderator presents the problem for the group. Then the members write down their solutions separately on cards or paper sheets. These written solutions are collected by the moderator who in-turn calls forward each member to discuss their written solutions. The other technique is through electronic decision-making. This works similarly to the nominal group except that a computer program is used to keep the members anonymous. It is more of an online forum that tackles problems presented. The other is the SWOT technique that uses a rationalized approach of selecting a solution that is mainly based on the members’ knowledge of the businesses dynamics. The last technique is the value analysis, which tends to align goals with points on a scale. Everyone in a group should be very much involved in-group decision making so as to have an open learning mind and be attentive to learn from others (Martin, 113).

What ethical issues must you consider when engaging in political behavior? How do ethical dilemmas increase stress?

Ethics mostly involve interpersonal, group and community politics at any level to provide a strong contingent value analysis. Individuality is considered a deterrence factor to achieving proper relations in achieving and completing duties to each other and collectively. The relevant ethical issues to be considered would be welfare of the community and charity, government corruption, safety standards of humanity, immigration and affirmative action.

Ethical dilemmas tend to increase stress since our humane bodies get to a state of constant decision-making process. This causes the body to be in motion and thinking consumes a lot of energy since it is about making the right and relevant decision entailed. There is usually no clear answer when it comes to ethical dilemmas thus the normal body balance is not set at ease always (Martin, 12).

How does globalization affect your organization? What issues occur in doing business globally?

Globalization affluence on organization has opened up several interactive communication channels that boost and improve ideologies (Martin, 155). Through its empowerment and technology, research and analysis are shared to help enlighten the least in a community realm. No profits are expected in the process, only support is required.

Issues that occur when doing business globally, include the global stock market exchange rates. Some places will gain profits in bulk while others places will incur massive losses. The other issue is possible language barrier since not everyone may be well conversant with all the, business, languages in the world.



Martin, John. Organizational Behavior and Management. New York: Cengage Learning, 2005. Print

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