Organizational Communication

Posted: October 17th, 2013

Organizational Communication






Organizational Communication

Persuasive and sales messages cannot be communicated directly. These messages are communicated to indirectly. Proper preparation is therefore involved. Both messages have both similar and different characteristics. One major similarity is that both need prior preparation. The communicator need to study the targeted audience before delivering the message (Miller, 2011). This research on the audience enables the communicator to deliver the intended message in the correct way while making the desired impact. For example, people in China are comfortable with direct eye contact as compared to the people in the United States.

Both types of messages call for the use of appeal in order to make the desired impact. The use of emotional, logic, character and rational appeals are highly effective depending on whether one is communicating a persuasive message or a sales message. In both cases, the emotional appeal is frequently used (Zaremba, 2010). This is a psychological approach, and it helps the communicator to use the feelings of the audience in order to pass the message across. On another level, the communicator may use what is beneficial to the audience in order to attract them. This will keep the audience interested even though they may not accept what is being offered.

There are differences when communicating these messages. Persuasive messages are effective with the use of emotional, logic and character appeals while the sales messages are effective with the use of rational and emotional appeals. This is because persuasive messages are more general than sales messages. A persuasive message may include a communicator trying to persuade an audience to attend a fundraising event or the communicator persuading workers to make a better performance. Unlike the persuasive message, a sales message involves a product where the communicator tries to make a consumer buy a product. In other words, a sales message is specific to the consumers while a persuasive message can be done to consumers and workers in an organization (Zaremba, 2010). When dealing with persuasive messages the use of intrinsic and extrinsic benefits will be effective to the audience as compared to using them in sales messages. Intrinsic benefits are long term while extrinsic ones are rather short term.



Miller, K. (2011). Organizational Communication: Approaches and Processes. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Zaremba, A. J. (2010). Organizational communication. New York [u.a.: Oxford University Press.



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