Organizational Communication

Posted: October 17th, 2013








Organizational Communication






Organizational Communication

Courtesy and a positive attitude are considered to be highly desirable, and in business to be specific (Peter, 2005). Even if a business organization feels that it is not willing to extend its credit to a prospective buyer, given that this customer is willingly requesting for it, there is no possible perception implying justification of the decision, assuming that the extension of credit to the consumer cannot take place. A reputable business organization will make an instant move of acting positively, holding an assumption that the consumer will still make a purchase regardless of the negative condition of the unwillingness to offer credit. Take for example, that the customer decides not to make a purchase of credit in the offer; the business organization in question is supposed to leave the door open, so that the prospective consumer can have an opportunity of coming back to enquire on other requirements any time later. Therefore, if a business organization undertakes an approach that is both positive and courteous, it will in the long run prove to be a fundamental procedure. This is because the company will be able to maintain a good, reputable relationship with their customer, which is long lasting. Positive writing is therefore justified in a message refusing credit.

Communication and Goodwill

Business organizations place an enormous reliance on communication, aimed at assisting in the creation of products, human resources and marketing logistics (Clardy, 2005). Some organizations use communication with a view of maximizing the sales output. Messages in business depict themselves in five major ways. These are positive, negative, informative, persuasive or selling. A business organization may use a mixing approach where they combine two or more forms of messaging. You might have a message that persuades positively or one that informs on selling. This kind of communication may be either internal or external. A business will successfully prosper if it treats both its employees and customers with utmost respect (Clardy, 2005). Goodwill communications use words that create auras of trust and respect directed to target readers. Messages that bear bad news or are negative in nature can also build goodwill. Goodwill messages usually anticipate questions coming from recipients, and then respond in an efficient and timely manner.


















Peter, R. S. (January 01, 2005). The German historical schools in the history of economic thought. Journal of Economic Studies, 32, 3, 185-255.

Clardy, A. (January 01, 2005). Reputation, Goodwill, and Loss: Entering the Employee Training Audit Equation. Human Resource Development Review, 4, 3, 279-30










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