Organizational Communications

Posted: October 17th, 2013

Organizational Communications









Organizational Communications

Talking is the use of language or words coming from one’s mouth. The words inform others about what an individual is thinking. Talking is a form of expressing opinions, ideas and thoughts of a person. The elements of good talking are the quality of voice, style and choice of words. These elements are the ones that determine how effective a person is when communicating orally. The quality of sound consists of the pitch of the voice and vocals. Clear voices are easy to listen and understand. For example, a good news reporter is one who pronounces the words correctly and clearly. It is crucial to have a good voice quality for people to hear accurately what one is saying. Good voice quality also attracts the attention of people and they listen attentively (Lesikar et al, 2010).

Good oral communication is influenced by style of talking. The three constituents of style are speed, pitch and volume. The three put together define the style of talking. A person who talks with moderate speed, pitch and volume is a better communicator than the one who speaks too fast or too slow. Similarly, moderate speaking is better than talking very loudly or too softly (Lesikar et al, 2010). Loud volume may sound rude and annoying whereas soft volume may not be audible. Moderate talking is the best way to talk because people will always be ready to listen. It is important to note that a person talking in a high speed and loud volume may intend to raise alarm because of danger.

Choice of words is the most fundamental thing in talking. All the rest of the elements highly depend on choice of words for good communication. People must choose words wisely depending on the subject and mood of their conversation. Wrong choice of words will only make the other party misunderstand the intended meaning. Others may consider an individual rude due to wrong choice of words. Some words have several meanings. A person may intend one meaning but he or she ends up conveying another. It is crucial for people to identify them and avoid them. It will assist in ensuring better communication (Lesikar, et al, 2010).























Lesikar, R., Flatley M., & Rentz, K. (2010). Business communication: Making connections in a digital world. Chicago: McGraw Hill.

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