Organizational Communications

Posted: October 17th, 2013








Organizational Communication






Organizational Communication

“Reports are written for business executives who want them. Thus, you do not have to be concerned about holding your reader’s interest.”

On my personal opinion, I am in disagreement with this statement. The essence of success is greatly determined by the effectiveness in communication. In organizational communication, writing a report to a business executive will require skills in communication, understanding the purpose, posing a good attitude and as well as conveying the requested information in a sound manner. Therefore, writing reports in organizational communication will call for the writer to uphold utmost concern and interest towards the reader of his or her material.

Organizational communication will undergo a four-stage process. The receiver, in this case the business executive, is the final link of the communication process. He or she must be in a position to conveniently receive and accurately decipher the information in the report. How well the executive will be able to understand the message in the report will highly depend on the writer’s skill and attitude. The executive will decipher the information in the report in accordance with his own understanding, in the context of the writer’s motives and attitude. The deciphered message may differ from the intended one due to the writer’s lack of interest in the matter (Lesikar, Flatley, Rentz, & Lesikar, 2008).

The communication process is dynamic and continuous. It is irreversible, requiring a meaning in perception. However, several barriers may face the transmission of the intended information, regardless of its accuracy and effectiveness. These encumbrances may either be mechanical, which involves differing value perceptions, or they may be presented as matters of semantics – the use of images or words that are beyond the understanding of the reader, or cultural and intellectual barrier. The writer should therefore pay attention to these details when writing a report to a business executive.

According to Webster (1992), words and gestures used in communicate portray more than just the intended message to the receiver. Once conveyed, the message cannot be retracted. A writer in an organization will want to convey the intended message as well as professionalize their reputation. They do not want to be identified with garbled and lackluster message presentations. Having a positive attitude towards communication is essential for achieving the set goals in any organization.




Lesikar, R. V., Flatley, M. E., Rentz, K., & Lesikar, R. V. (2008). Business communication: Making connections in a digital world. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Webster, A. (1992). Applied statistics for business and economics. Homewood, IL: Irwin.

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