Organizational Trends

Posted: October 17th, 2013














Organizational Trends




















Organizational Trends


A high-performance work place can be described as a workplace within which the organizational set goals or superior results are achieved (Curtain 1998). A strong high-performance workplace is identifiable by its characteristics that include an inclusive approach to solving organizational problems, whereby every employee is included in decision-making process to solving problems that directly or indirectly affect them, thus, enabling them to work motivationally to solve the problems. It also enables workers to give their different opinions about solutions that would be best in solving specific problems, thus, it gets different approaches to one problem. A high-performance workplace is identified by the delegation of responsibilities and duties to enable better operation of the organization. It is also characterized by use of clear and open communication between all members through the proper channels for conveyance of information. A high performance workplace in an organization is also characterized by the clear and precise of outlined goals and targets. It is also characterized by the presence of a conducive and positive atmosphere for the execution of employees’ duties and responsibilities; this helps the employees to get job satisfaction. The existence of a coordinative relationship between the employees in an organization facilitates effective and easy coordination of work to attain the set goals. In addition, Mutual respect for strengths and weaknesses of members in the workplace usually characterizes a high performance workplace (Great Britain. 2005).

High-performance workplaces differ from traditional organizations in stress management, whereby the stress of an employee in a traditional workplace is irrelevant to the organization while stress of an employee in a high performance organization determines the quality of work delivered thus it is imperative to the organization. A traditional organization operates by specialization of duties to its employees while a high performance organization operates on the basis that employees can perform multiple tasks due to their different skills. A high performance organization can approach a specific task from different perspectives, as it operates on a basis that there are different ways to perform a task, while in a traditional organization there is only one approach to a specific task whereas a high-performance organization mainly focuses on customer satisfaction (Great Britain 2005). Traditional and high-performance organizations differ from each in their different organizational dynamics, whereby the control in a traditional organization starts from the top of the organization to the lowest level in the organization while in a high performance organization control emanates from the units or departments.

Various strategies are used to manage stress in an organization. Use of encouragement of communication among employees to reduce conflicts brought about by ambiguity in roles. In addition, employees should be granted adequate and fair remuneration among themselves to reduce stress brought about by money related issues. An organization should provide employees with a conducive environment for carrying out their tasks; this reduces stress related to an unhealthy workplace (Curtain.1998). An organization should also incorporate employees in decision-making processes that directly affect them. Evaluation of emerging trends in organizational behavior related to high-performance workplaces and stress management techniques. An organization should provide the right channels for communication for employees to attain its goals and help to reduce stress of workers due to lack of communication among the workers irrespective of the chain of command. A high-performance organization incorporates employees in decision making in relation to decisions that affect them and thus this helps to reduce stress of the employees associated with issues that affect them that were deliberated on without opinions.



Great Britain. (2005). High performance workplaces module. London: Department of Trade and Industry. 21-36

Curtain, R. (1998). The workplace of the future: Insights from futures scenarios and today’s high performance workplaces. Australian Bulletin of Labor, 24, 4.)279-294

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