Overcoming Team Challenges

Posted: October 17th, 2013

Overcoming Team Challenges








Management and leadership involved in team dynamics require significant decision-making skills. This is because teams face diverse challenges that will require management to make various decisions in order to remedy the situation. One of the challenges that management is faced with is that of ensuring that their members participate in the goal making processes of the company. The remedy for this challenge will include cultivation of a support system by the management. In order to ensure success of the teams, the management will also be required to bridge the gap that exists in global teamwork. Overcoming this challenge will need the use of digital media and advanced technology.















Overcoming Team Challenges

Overcoming the executive challenge will need the management of a company to engage staff members in collaborative decision-making processes. This implies enhancing a spirit of participation among the members especially in aspects like formulation of corporate values. The importance of involving team members and staff in decision-making processes is that they contribute to the successful implementation of these values. As a leader, my approach in solving the executive challenge would be enhancing a sense of belonging among the team members. This will include training the leaders of the teams to appreciate member contribution. Such value that is placed on the members will give them the confidence to participate in the decision-making processes. This is because they will believe that they are of worth to the company.

Company integrity will also help members of the teams to participate during goal setting processes. When subordinates of a company see their leaders dedicated towards the achievement of collective goals, they gain confidence in the systems of the company. This confidence will give employees a sense of trust in the success of not only the decision making process of the company but also the implementation of these decisions. Therefore, it is paramount for the team leaders in a company to lead by example. Their efforts towards the achievement of collective goals will act as an anchor for participation and involvement of other team members.

The management challenge deals with the direct relationship between the team members and their leaders. Overcoming the challenge will, therefore, require individual-orientated strategies, as opposed to structure-orientated strategies. In order to ensure that the members of a team are supported, it is essential for the leadership to implement delegation of duties, staff performance appraisal, equity in availing promotion opportunities, participatory leadership and team members’ training. These strategies will help to build the skills of the team members, and they will subsequently contribute to the success of the team.

Delegation of doing shows the team members that the leaders trust in their ability to handle greater responsibility. Such opportunities also allow members to sharpen the skills in the field of delegation. Staff performance appraisals help in motivating the workers. This motivation occurs when the achievements of the team members are measured against the goals of the company. Assessments like the staff appraisals help in personal development of the team members. This is because their efforts are channeled towards the achievement of collective goals. Participatory leadership deals with the ability of the management to engage their members in decision-making processes.

When the management allows equal promotion opportunities to the team members, the members feel that their efforts are supported by the management. Open and unbiased requirements for promotions will motivate the members of the team to work towards the attainment of company goals. Support for the members will require the management to engage the team members in trainings to ensure that they grow in their skills.

Global teamwork is a phenomenon that has posed a significant challenge to the management of companies. This is because they limit the interactions among team members. Such interactions help in exchange of skills and ideas that help in the success of the teams. It is, therefore, the task of the management to ensure that these interactions are kept constant in spite of the different geographical settings of the members. This will require the management of a company to adopt digital media as channels for conducting virtual meetings. This will ensure that the gap geographical of distance is bridged enhancing interactions among team members. The management can also make use of regional meetings where members have physical meetings to share ideas and skill.


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