Paraguay as a Model of Independence

Posted: November 26th, 2013





Paraguay as a Model of Independence

The history of Paraguay was characterized by instability and a dictatorial rule. It was involved in the two major world wars that were against Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay in the 1947. The Latin American Wars of Independence were the different revolutions that took position in the late 18th century and early 19th century. This led to the creation of numerous independent countries in Latin America. The 19th century was a transitional era whereby Paraguay and the Latin America colonies became nations through the struggle for political, economic, and social independence.

The Paraguay of the first half-century after independence was a model of what the Latin America could have become. This was because political involvement and electoral contribution since the inception of the Latin American countries were rampaged. The post revolutionary state building project contemplated broad electoral contribution. With the outstanding of Paraguay and the Mexican Empire, the new regions adopted representative institutions due to independence (Bushnell and Macaulay138). The search for political array came into existence with the efforts to change monarch servants to voters. Many of the original republican citizens gave way afterwards to the more restrictive descendent republican citizens.

Paraguay used different models including the liberal model of economic, political, and social development .They aimed to achieve independence thus had to engage in civil wars in 1947. In 1954 to 1989, Alfredo Stroessner used long dictatorship that left an unfathomable heritage of fear and self-censorship among the Paraguayans. They only started to overcome their challenges when they created liberal model of social-economic development (Bushnell and Macaulay 12).

I agree with the two authors because they base their argument on the preliminary experiments in state building. Many leaders adopt liberal modes of both socio-economic and political progress in order to achieve independent. Paraguay entered in the civil war because they wanted to institutionalize their nation. They created institutions that were the primary cause of political, cultural, and economic development. The institutions that mattered most were those concerned with the protection of property rights. Others were concerned with mobilization of resources and coordinating investment.

Political institutions were self-sustaining that is, they survived and functioned only incase they could continually generate outcomes that preferred. Each group in Paraguay could impose itself by violating the orders of the institution using force. While the Latin American countries were apparently not the same, the crumple of the colonial rule left them without justifiable national or substantial institutions. When they founded them, political institutions became highly exclusionary. Yet even though the elites processed their conflicts peacefully, typically over centralization, and high tariffs existed (Bushnell and Macaulay 23).

The emergence of Latin America led to economic development in different parts of the country. However, political disparity still existed as well as economics disparity that led to further cost of economic integration. Due to economic insecurity, the issue of political integration of the unfortunate, urban employees, and agricultural workers led to recurrent institutional volatility. Economies grew when the political power brought safety of property in Latin America even though political institutions captivated among the elites and processed them according to regulations (Bushnell and Macaulay 27).

In conclusion, the 19th century was marked as a year of liberalism where many regions turned to new ideas of socio-economic and political development. The struggle for independence led to development of infrastructures and expansion of trade. The liberals came to authority in most regions, and Paraguay laid emphasis social-economic, and political development. However, liberalism was contradictory from the political point of view, but they struggled and later on succeeded.



Works Cited

Bushnell, David & Neill Macaulay. The emergence of Latin America in the nineteenth century.

New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1988. Print.

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