Performance Review Takes a Page from Facebook

Posted: October 17th, 2013

Performance Review Takes a Page from Facebook






Performance Review Takes a Page from Facebook

Question 1

The performance evaluations are pointless regardless of the regularity of conferences with their human resources. Employees emanate the desire to gain knowledge based on their performance levels in their respective organizations. Regardless of the fact that they are discouraged and displeased by the negative results that may potentially arise from the performance reviews, they are reinforced on the basis that performing productively in the organization requires an explicit understanding of the goals, objectives and ideas. To reiterate on the effect of performance reviews on employees, Noe, Hollenbeck & Gerhart (2002) assert that a large number of employees are usually motivated by upfront and regularly planned feedback based on the premise that they require to know about their record of accomplishment and whether they are proceeding in the right manner. Additionally, the use of social networks in posting daily operations by organizations limits the use of performance reviews. Most organizations are attempting to alter their operations to networking style in order to enhance annual reviews (Haring, 2000). In social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook, organizations are experiencing the euphoria employees gain from receiving feedback on activities on a daily basis. This reduces the negativity associated with performance evaluation on employees by management. Nevertheless, it is important to note that involving employees in evaluation induces positive results. For instance, the Accenture software is designed to measure employees by enabling them make goals, document them and wait for feedback on the means that can be used to meet goals. This works as a motivating technique since employees are able to evaluate their performance regularly without the indulgence of the upper management. In summary, through the example of the Accenture software, it is safe to say that utilizing the power of conversation and collective effort in addressing an employee’s performance is potentially enough to deem performance evaluation unnecessary.

Question 2

Overall, the contemporary workplace environment encompasses a considerable diversity based on age. Regarding performance review and evaluation, it is important to consider the various generation partialities within a particular group. The different age preferences in a group include veterans, baby boomers, Gen X and Gen Y. Regarding veterans, such employees have been raised in a period that social networking was limited and inconceivable. Veterans were raised under the hardships of the Great Depression and the two World Wars. They possess sturdy ethics, strong personal behavior standards and are able to survive utilizing modest means. Thus, using social networking to review their performance will be ineffective since they prefer direct communication through conventional media such as radio, television or printed publications (Zemke, 2000). Baby Boomers constitute persons born between the 1940s and the 1970s. They are highly ambitious and are adaptable under any workplace environment. Regarding networking, most baby boomers own computers and have accepted the internet and cell phones. Moreover, they prefer hard copy printed publications and have not normally embraced social networking. Generation X comprises persons born between 1965 and 1981. Most of them are well educated, resourceful, individualistic, cynical of authority and self-reliant. They pay considerable attention to their skills and rights in the workplace. Utilizing social networking for performance review will be effective. This is because they surmise that management is unreliable. Generation Y are those born between 1980 and 1995. They comprise the fastest developing sector in the work environment. They are tech-savvy, technical, intelligent, creative and social. They are defined as a group of networking experts and they thus require workplaces to be flexible. Most of their relationships are defined by social networking sites (Zemke, 2000). Thus, using social networking to enable performance review will be considerably effective due to their desire for flexibility, knowledge and wide embrace of social networking.

Question 3

Numerous organizations are taking advantage of social networking in order to advance their products and services in their respective markets and fields. These companies have resorted to taking advantage of this by making considerable and significant use of social networking style tools. For instance, various organizations have invested in the Accenture tools, which have made performance evaluation much simpler through integrating employees regarding carrying out performance appraisals individually without the intervention of the management. Regardless of the negative nuances arising from various managers in terms of using social networking, it is no doubt that social networking style tools increase better performance by the boss in the organization (Tulgan, 2007). This is attributed to the fact that these tools nurture work culture that is collaborative and supportive. Additionally, the tools provide employees with the ability to request for feedback in real time. The boss benefits greatly from this since he or she is able to interact in an informal, uncompromising and social basis with the employee, which in turn creates a cohesive and positive relationship between the two. Moreover, social networking also enables the manager to receive real-time and significant information to enhance performance immediately (Tulgan, 2007). These reasons justify the time and costs involved in the implementation of the tools in the organization. Indeed, the time and costs of implementation can be a considerable burden for the organization especially in accomplishing goals. However, the effect of costs and time can only affect the organization in the short run. Implementing the tools will assist in providing the organization with the capability and speed to accomplish objectives in the long run and thus achieve long term success attributed to sharing and collaboration of knowledge through collaborated departments in the organization.

Question 4

The statement made by O’Toole on the overworking of citizens is factual. According to Yoder (2012), the augmented competitive market in America has led to an increase in the amount of work that Americans take in order to compensate for the competitive job market. Regardless of the positive effect of increased labor on productivity, overworking has negatively affected many Americans. Most Americans have been affected by overworking on the basis of strained family relationships, reduced work effectiveness and weakened health. Nevertheless, it is important to consider the effect of social network type evaluations on the overworked Americans. Indeed, social network type evaluations have reduced the need for real-time evaluations between employees and the managers at the workplace. The advantage of using social networking for performance evaluation has assisted employees by allowing them to be at rest and at the same time receive feedback on performance. Thus, it is correct to surmise that social network type evaluations assist the overworked American in absconding daily trips to the office for purposes of evaluation. Moreover, performance evaluation done in the presence of the management will only lead to a reduction in work effectiveness and productivity considering that the overworked American does not have enough time to balance between his job and other intrinsic and vital duties. Moreover, social networking tools for performance evaluation can assist the overworked American by enabling them to receive feedback in real time and still allow them to perform other duties that require their full attention. This assists them in ensuring that their work is not affected and that their productivity is at maximum.



Haring, G. (2000). Performance evaluation: Origins and directions. Berlin: Springer.

Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., & Gerhart, B. (2002). Human resource management: Gaining a competitive advantage. Chicago: Irwin.

Tulgan, B. (2007). It’s okay to be the boss: The step-by-step guide to becoming the manager your employees need. New York: Collins.

Yoder, S. (2012, February 16). Is America Overworked? Retrieved from <>

Zemke, R. (2000). Generations at work: Managing the clash of veterans, boomers, xers, and nexters in your workplace. New York: AMACOM.


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