Personal Statement

Posted: November 27th, 2013





Personal Statement

This is a vision I believe will create a great chance for me to realize my passion in serving patients and the society as a doctor. Experiencing a clinical rotation gave me first hand experience of the real practice. I had difficulties in choosing an area of specialty before this great experience. I am now persuaded that Medicine is my area of concern and this conviction was proven when I entered my Medicine elective. The diverse scene of medical encounters, actions, and the levels of infirmity made Medicine extremely appealing to me.

I designed a CPR chest compressor that was initially taken by Blue Highway Company LLC, and is now being considered by Welch Allyn. Carrying out this initiative clearly shows an emotional attachment to my advocacy. I acquired this aspiration from my father and my uncle who are my greatest motivators despite their lacking a formal education. They have always encouraged me to pursue my dream to become a physician and have always believed in my ability. Primarily, I intend to assist teachers, parents, and students in our society by providing CPR chest compressors for public use.

In addition, I have innovatively diversified my approach in depriving a patient the feeling of being sick and that is where my strength as a doctor begins. One such memorable instance was when I successfully assisted a female patient suffering from SLE. The patient was depressed due to her ill health and she had very low self-esteem. Whenever her illness arose, she broke into tears and this made her feel extremely embarrassed. Using my medical knowledge, I was able to help her ease from this unfavorable effect by giving her moral support. This emotional yet effective technique to care for patients pushed me to develop the strength and vision to achieve my goals within and outside my medical career.

Assessing patient’s needs, providing treatment and recommending a way forward, though challenging, is undoubtedly very fulfilling. Every patient comes with different challenges, which in turn provide learning opportunities in all aspects of my professional career. Through years of experience, I have gathered and developed qualities that are significant in the Medicine practice. My goal-oriented approach has enabled me develop a wide range of acquaintance in clinical skills. The principle medical service I intended to design seeks to help improve the lives of the people. This will form a way to build a portal for students to interact with a better learning experience.

I am very willing to pursue my learning in the academic residency program to have more experience on the real practice of Medicine. This will give me sufficient opportunities to acquire skills of a competent medical physician. One of the reasons behind achieving this expertise is my intention to teach others. This, I believe, will be the most appropriate way of taking my academic, clinical, and personal development to greater heights. I intend with this approach to bring change and improve the entire practice of Medicine in my field of specialization. I believe that given a chance to pursue Medicine to the highest possible level, I can make health care become a completely different experience. In conclusion, I would like you to note that I am extremely humbled to have the opportunity to write you my personal statement. It is indeed an honor. More importantly however, thank you for your most favorable consideration. I am looking forward to the next level of my training with enthusiasm and dedication.

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