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Name: Course: Lecturer: Date: Catwalks Halliwell, Emma and Dittmar, HElgar. “Does Size Matter? The Impact of Model’s Body Size on Women’s Body-Focused Anxiety and Advertising Effectiveness.” Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 23. 1(2004): 104.122. Print. In “Does Size Matter? The Impact of Model’s Body Size on Women’s Body-Focused Anxiety and Advertising Effectiveness,” Halliwell and Dittmar make a point that there has been an increase in the concern in the effect of using very thin models in the fashion industry to women. They cite that body image in the media has had a tremendous effect on eating disorders in women. Their research centers on whether thin role models are the ideal figure in advertising, and whether thinness is unfavorable for women (Halliwell and Dittmar 105). The authors also note that portraying skinny girls as the ideal body for women has a bad image for women’s body, contributing to many women making efforts to look like these models.

In my research, Halliwell and Dittmar ideas will be helpful in realizing the impact thin models in the media and fashion industry to the women. In addition, Halliwell and Dittmar provide evidence that thin models are not ideal since they pose negative images to the body of a woman. Finally, Halliwell and Dittmar suggest that advertising can use other approaches rather than just skinny models, supporting my thesis that skinny girls are not the only ones who can catwalk. Hellmich, Nanci. Do thin models warp girls’ body image?, 2011. Web. February 29, 2012.

In her article concerning skinny girls as models, Hellmich she suggests that skinny models are depicting the wrong message concerning the body of a woman, suggesting the thinness is unnatural. She further says that very skinny models can cause an increase in anorexia to women out there who want to emulate the models. In some places, very thin models have been banned in order to promote beauty, instead of promoting anorexia. When the anorexic models are envied by other women out there, they fell their size is the best and normal. However, in the real sense they look scary at that size.

This article provides a lot of evidence concerning the issue of skinny models in fashions shows around the world. In my research, this article will provide evidence concerning the issue of anorexic models. It also shows how far this has become an issue to a point of some places banning extremely thin models from catwalks. Preti Antonio, Ambra Usai, Paola Miotto, Donatella Rita Petretto and Carmelo Masala. “Eating disorders among professional fashion models.” Psychiatry Research 159 (2008): 86-94. Print. Preti et al.

in their article, “Eating disorders among professional fashion models,” have cited that skinny fashion models have a greater risk of eating disorders in order to maintain their size. In their research, they conducted a study on skinny models and compared them with other girls of the same age and status. Results showed that 54.55 of the skinny models had a Body Mass Index of less than 18, which means they are not at the ideal weight at their height. For the other girls, there was only a rater of 12.7% of girls below the ideal weight for their height. In addition, 5% of the models were diagnosed with anorexia nervosa (Preti et al. 90).

This research is helpful in my research since it provides credible information and results of the study that shows model in the fashion industry are starving themselves in order to maintain thinness, which has led to eating disorders. In addition, their research goes ahead to find out whether the fashion profession pressure and emphasis on skinny girls is the driver to the eating disorders, or the girls choose to slim on their behalf. Shelly Grabe, Monique L Ward and Shibley Hyde Janet. “The role of the media in body image concerns among women: A meta-analysis of experimental and correlational studies.” Psychological Bulletin, 134.3(2008): 460-476.

In this article, “The role of the media in body image concerns among women: A meta-analysis of experimental and correlational studies,” Shelly, Monique and Shibley explore the relationship between the depiction of media and the ideal body for women. They suggest that exposure to media concerning the ideal size and figure of women has disturbed many women concerning body image. Their research seeks a correlation between ideal body dissatisfaction among women who are exposed to media concerning issues of thin models.

Their research concluded that the depiction of skinny models as the ideal figure is having a direct relationship on concerns for women (Shelly, Monique and Shibley 467). In my research, this article comes in handy in proving that skinny models depicted in the media influence women directly, causing dissatisfaction for those without such a figure. In addition, this article illustrates how much the issue of skinny figures has become so rampant to an extent of making women go beyond limits to slip up, trying to get the ideal weight. Work cited Halliwell, Emma and Dittmar, Helgar.

“Does Size Matter? The Impact of Model’s Body Size on Women’s Body-Focused Anxiety and Advertising Effectiveness.” Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 23. 1(2004): 104.122. Print Hellmich, Nanci. Do thin models warp girls’ body image?, 2011. Web. February 29, 2012. Preti Antonio, Ambra Usai, Paola Miotto, Donatella Rita Petretto and Carmelo Masala. “Eating disorders among professional fashion models.” Psychiatry Research 159 (2008): 86-94. Print. Shelly Grabe, Monique L Ward and Shibley Hyde Janet. “The role of the media in body image concerns among women: A meta-analysis of experimental and correlational studies.” Psychological Bulletin, 134.3(2008): 460-476. Surname 1

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