Planning Endeavors in Dubai

Posted: October 17th, 2013

Planning Endeavors in Dubai






Planning Endeavors in Dubai

Currently, Dubai is undergoing an unprecedented growth and urbanization phase of change. Unfortunately, a large chunk of initiatives and endeavors focused developing Dubai emanate from imported models. These kinds of models are considered ignorant of the cultural and social concept within Dubai. This led to the failure of these proposed models and were thus exhausted and abandoned. New planning methods, growth and urbanization endeavors were therefore imminent to ensure Dubai’s prosperity (Bellini, 2008). These planning endeavors have been developed to incorporate a fully integrated and flexible development planning phase up to the year 2020 (Elsheshtawy, 2010). This has been a good way of translating what Dubai intends to develop into through a unique set of spatial plans, policies, and strategies.

The final results of Dubai’s planning endeavors now involve development strategies that shed high emphasis on zoning in a mono functional format. These current strategies have had significant impact on the population with some having no choice but to move from one development to the other as a means of living and working according to their own means (Elsheshtawy, 2010). The implications of these planning endeavors mean that diversion and variety should have a payment provision for the commercial establishments. The importation on a wholesale format of schemes related to corporate development along with their infrastructure attendances, and typology commercialization schemes such as shopping malls have resulted to the ongoing paradoxical conditions. These conditions plan for extreme building densities associated with vehicular congestion of a marveling urban lifestyle in Dubai.

In this case, urbanity, the cultural and social possibility related to public space is considered most at stake. There is a proposition of a new fundamental model for a mixed use development. This planning endeavor, contrary to strategies over dimensional zoning measures, will be responsible for coordinating infrastructure, architecture and landscape, thus delivering urban environments greater than the summation of its parts (Bellini, 2008). Through this kind mixed use development strategy, the planning endeavor in Dubai views that this function does not compromise ethical, cultural, and societal issues. The reason behind this is the planning model has been sectioned in a three dimensional format rather than a convectional format. The three dimension planning strategy has a provision addressing societal, ethical, and cultural considerations in Dubai.

For a long time, master plans in Dubai have been formulated against what the states ethics and culture stands for through reductive methodology designs. This involved the layout of road networks and the subsequent subdivision of the left over space. There were no advocating steps related to address how the state could use the remaining space for honoring cultural and ethical issues (Elsheshtawy, 2010). In addition previous plans did not provide for metropolitan development such as those located in Los Angeles. The interest of Dubai state now lies with establishing new urban organization possibilities. This is because the encumbering issue in this case is Dubai’s rapidly growing population and is prospected to be plus ten million comprising multi cultural citizens. Thus plans are being made to address the region’s cultural center as well as the leading major business and leisure attractions.

Having this in mind, Dubai’s planning endeavors have a consideration for creating a mixed use proposition for the phase three Business Bay in the Eastern Area. This will incorporate commercial, retail, cultural and residential programs in familiar but unprecedented format. In addition, the state of Dubai has also proposed a strategy involving Matt Urbanism measures employing predominant layered and horizontal organization. This form of organization maximizes surface continuity, program and network as opposed to buildings in a discreet format. Matt urbanism therefore has an allowance for diverse systems and typologies the traditional, infrastructure, multiple park-grounds, towers, courtyard-terraced housing, cultural buildings, towers, pavilions, and multiple park-grounds to be established in close proximity as a means of establishing a new urban setting (Elsheshtawy, 2010).

This planning endeavor is a flexible typology considerate of culture and diversity assuming the region’s ethical considerations and environment allowing for synergy implementation. In the Dubai context where street object buildings are a representation of the dominant typology for other forms of development, real benefits can be realized under the creation of the matt typology (Bellini, 2008). This alternative form of urbanization has a provision for higher densities compared to the model of stand alone towers. In addition, this form bears greater qualities and levels with regard to public space, and at the same time maintaining flexibility consideration for future development.

Moreover, the proximity function and use intensity is planned for implementation at a wide range scale thus allowing the development and creation of zones or neighborhoods considerate of ethical and cultural qualities compared to previous single use neighborhoods. This is considered by the Dubai state as a fundamental feature for the region’s environmental extremes, where developed landscapes will be fostered to assume a productive and serious position compared the previous rigid system. In particular, this new Dubai planning endeavor has been designed in a way that it is not limited being either outside or inside, but an environmental spectrum created on a civic scale.

In addition, the planning endeavor bears a framework bringing together the issues citywide, transport, infrastructure, land use planning, and also provides urban boundaries and open spaces. The focus of the planning endeavor lies behind sustaining both the natural and built environment for the future generation as well. The planning endeavor also has a concept provision that has a maximizing approach on the intimate and cool spaces the region. This approach intends to implement the use of interconnected urban greenways, microclimate designs, and shaded walkways to utilize wind, shade, parks, and water (Bellini, 2008). In addition, beyond and within Dubai, the planning endeavor has also placed emphasis on the city’s natural assets, including water, land, air, natural wildlife species, and special habitats.

This planning endeavor has a provision aimed at delivering a unique environment in an urban setting for working, living and playing. In this case, this planning endeavor has managed to address majority of the development and growth issues encumbering Dubai. It is considerate of how future implications will affect it as well as tapping into the deep roots of the region’s traditional values, culture, desires, and ethical considerations. It is thought that these consideration need to be addressed now than later, and rightly so. Moreover, it is strategic development process that not only favors the Dubai region itself, but is also considerate of neighboring places as well. This planning endeavor is poised to establish a prime growth and development structure of Dubai (Elsheshtawy, 2010). It would be a good suggestion for the city to also shed light on resource balance including energy flow and conservation, clean energy sources, and consider minimizing carbon and ecological emissions.



Bellini, O. E., & Daglio, L. (2008). New frontiers in architecture: Dubai between vision and reality. Vercelli, Italy: White Star.

Elsheshtawy, Y. (2010). Dubai: Behind an urban spectacle. New York: Routledge.







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