Problem and solution

Posted: October 17th, 2013





Problem and solution


            The education in USA is not up to the required standards. This is mainly experienced in elementary and high schools. These two levels are experiencing constraints in facilities and focusing on education seemed to be wrong. Almost all schools complain of too many children in one classroom. There are inadequate books and other basic facilities for learning. The private schools are also affected by this problem, but the government schools are worse than private ones. The teachers receive poor salaries and this demoralizes them from doing their work satisfactorily. Teaching students is a noble task, especially students in basic level. Teachers should be compensated adequately for them to be motivated in their work.

Parents are complaining that teachers are not focused on the right purpose. They argue that teachers are confusing preparing students for the next level, with overworking them. For instance, students in high school should be prepared academically and socially to join higher learning. Instead, some teachers are giving them many assignments, which will not necessarily help them. Teachers need to be moderate on teaching and giving assignments to students. Teachers should focus more on quality teaching than quantity. Too much work for students does not necessarily mean they understand everything they do. Some teachers are not keen on how they assign work to the students. Some methods of assigning work to students are ineffective, but some teachers have not identified that.


            The government needs to allocate more funds for education in basic levels. The funds should be used to improve the learning of environment for students. Enough books should be bought for all students. More classrooms should be built to accommodate the extra students in the present classrooms. All the classrooms should have the required facilities like desks for the students. The funds should also be used to remunerate teachers as required. Most teachers are receiving salaries below their grades. They deserve good remuneration according to their grade.

The ministry of education needs to prepare programs, which will offer guidance to teachers on how to offer quality education to students. They may also be required to revise the education system if it is necessary. Observations have been made, and some conclusions state the education system does not cover all students need to learn. Parents need to support teachers in helping students to do excellently in their academic work. Some parents tend to be too busy to follow-up their children. Some just think it is the teacher’s duty to ensure students perform excellently.

Students have a responsibility of cooperating with both teachers and parents. They need to address any issues inhibiting them from performing well in their studies. Students face many challenges, and they have a duty of seeking help, in case teachers and parents do not seem to realize their problems. They should assess on how the teachers are handling them as well as the rest of the learning environment. Students should know they are the beneficial of education and should suggest all possible ways of improving it.

The most appropriate solution for this education problem is government intervention of increasing funds. It will be easy to solve financial problems, which are deteriorating the quality of education. Part of the extra funds could be used to fund the program for coaching educators on quality teaching modes. It would also be possible to revise the education system. Students need to follow an updated system, which is applicable in the current era. Education is a fundamental in development and growth. Therefore, the government needs to act swiftly.






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