Properties of Light

Posted: November 27th, 2013

Properties of Light

In the last period of year 2003, we had a journey with my family to France. The focus that drew our attention in our tour was the visit to Louvre Museum. In this museum, we visited the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci and many others. Through this adventure, several questions were ringing in my mind regarding the infrared camera. In this case, the questions entailed the entire cost of acquiring the camera for it seemed very expensive. Many components of this device were very fragile and sensitive thus it was a complicated device

Later I came to realize that the infrared camera is used to reveal the coating of paint during the creation of artwork. In other words, this camera has the ability to identify and sort out fraud in painting with no negative effect of it. This camera works through emission of infrared radiation that penetrates on a surface in order to detect any error. Basing on the online notes about infrared, the infrared radiation infiltrates the first layer. This way, the dark color absorbs the radiations through the charcoal attached in those paints. In this process, the residue of the infrared produces a reflection that brings about white grounds. At the same time, in the lab we learned that infrared radiation could not penetrate through aluminum for the resultant picture will be black.

In general, the whole process of involving the infrared camera is important in the process of identifying the originality of paints. Therefore, this camera is used to eliminate frauds that many painters apply in order to acquire extra profit. In addition, this camera is important in showing the previous account of painting and the painter. It gives us more information regarding the condition and the composition of the paint.



Lab report 1

Reflection of light on a water tank

In this study of reflection of light on water, I am convinced to ask why legs appear as if they are deformed when inserted on water. Additionally, when you put a coin or any object in a pool of water it appears to be magnified. Still in the lab, I also learned about much experimentation that involves the use of lenses spectrum and the infrared cameras. However, the main area of concern in my research captures the light reflection on water.

The lab experiment that I shall be dealing with is called the ‘water tank’. The procedure followed incorporated shooting laser beams of water from three directions. We observed from the top, across the sides and lastly at the bottom. In addition, the other interesting section came when the beam appeared in a bending form after it had stricken the water. This drew my attention because even after the beam struck the water tank it remained concentrated there. Through this action of the beam, I realized that the light was bending because it had been refracted. The refraction was a consequence of the existence of two mediums of water and the air. With reference to the notes, the change of speed of light at the interface brings about change in the wavelength of light. Therefore, there is a decrease of wavelength as light enters any medium even though the light wave has changed direction. Additionally, when people are merged into a mass of water, their speed changes due to the change in wavelength. Regarding the leaser beam, we realized it could not penetrate through the water. In this case, the angle of incidence of leaser beam was greater than 41 degrees. This was because of the glass, whereby the reflection could only occur in the glass and in the air.

The lab experiment was very helpful in our study because it helped us gain a lot of knowledge. Additionally, I was able to learn about the reflection and refraction of light in other mediums. This gave clear explanations about the daily occurrences we encounter as we do our daily life activities.

Extra Credit 1

Discuss why animal eyes glow green when illuminated at night. What causes “red – eye” in flash pictures?

The mirror-like layer in the rear of the retina that comes from the tapetum lucidum gives the eye of an animal a shining element. As the light enters the eye, some light is incarcerated by the retina as the other passes by. Therefore, with this action, the cow is given another opportunity to have sight of light as the tapetum lucidum reflects it back. The reverberation of light gives off the indistinctly uncanny flush that we relate to the terrifying legend. In a clear observation, the visual tincture in the retina does not absorb all light for some is perceived to scatter. In addition, the bouncing of the light back to the eye brings an increase of light in the animals’ eye. This action in the eye of the animal increases the ability of the cow to see even through darkness.

The human eye reflects light in a similar way just as the flash of the photographer. In many instances, our eyes appear red in some photographs. This occurs due to the bouncing back of the camera flash on the red blood cells behind our eyes. Reflection in this process is not applicable simply because the eye is not a reflector. This action is facilitated by the closeness of the flash to the eye during photo taking. In human and animals, the red eye effect occurs due to the lack the tapetum lucidum. The fundus color is responsible for the red eye effect, which is the coloring, located in the retina. The flashlight is intended to cause the pupil to close due to its fast action. Some bright light passes through the pupil and then is reflected back to the eyeball as the camera notes the reflected light.

Discuss Chromatic aberration in a lens

Chromatic aberration is brought by lenses having both different refractive index and wavelength of light. The presence of longitudinal and lateral form of chromatic aberration changes the image color. This is because the colors in the optical spectrum cannot have a common focus in the principal axis.

The glass prism gives us the best explanation of chromatic aberration. It is evident where light dispersion in the glass prism brings colors of rainbow. Several components make up the photographic lens and these include the scattered and dielectric glasses. The refraction in this glass is not uniform at all angles because it has a different principle focus. Therefore, the dispersion of light in the imaging causes chromatic aberration.

There are two types of chromatic aberration. These include the transverse and the longitudinal aberration. In this case, there is discrimination resulting from the existence of the two types. The difficultness of a lens to focus on a variety of colors causes the longitudinal chromatic aberration. In a focused point of an optical axis, the presence of different colors displaces the longitudinal direction. On the other hand, the transverse chromatic aberration is because of presence of the incident light. However, if the axial color is not present, the focus of the color will be on the same plane. In addition, the image enlargement depends on the wavelength.

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