Recruitment Policy and Procedures

Posted: October 17th, 2013





Blue Gum Senior Management Team

Recruitment Policy and Procedures

Policy Title Recruitment
Date Created The underlying policy covers the recruitment procedures of Blue Gum senior management in a manner that is acceptable to the employment laws in the country, and according to the recruitment and selection guidelines established by the company.
Policy Statement The underlying policy covers the recruitment procedures of Blue Gum senior management in a manner that is acceptable to the employment laws in the country, and according to the recruitment and selection guidelines established by the company.
Policy Application The policy is applicable to the senior management of Blue Gum



Vacancy: the director shall officially report any vacant position to be filled within sixty hours. reasons for vacancies include member resignation or retirement, restructuring of staff, or due to the creation of new positions. There will be temporary vacancies when a member takes a leave of absence.

Recruitment: the members of the senior management interested in the vacant position shall be given the first priority. The members have two days to respond to the notice. When there are no suitable applicants, the management shall proceed to advertise the vacancy. The company has set the criteria for the selection of candidates that is based on merit.

Job description: All the vacancies posted shall include the required job descriptions, which will detail the tasks and responsibilities of the job. The job description for the senior management is written by the company’s managing director. The managing director reviews the description to his discretion, taking into account the changing needs of the market.

Personal specifications: the vacant posts will include the personal specifications, which will include the skills and competencies, attributes, academic qualification and professional experiences of the applicants.

Advertising: the vacancies will be posted on the company’s noticeboard, newspapers and online sites. The advertisement will be created, written and distributed by the human resource personnel. All communication regarding the vacancy will be directed to the human resource department (Dyson).

Selection Policy and Procedures

Policy Title

Selection Policy

Date Created


Policy Statement The underlying policy covers the selection procedures of the potential managers of Blue Gum senior management in a manner that is acceptable to the employment laws in the country, and according to the recruitment and selection guidelines established by the company.
Policy Application The policy is applicable to all applicants interested in any senior management position of Blue Gum Company.






Filtering responses: all communication regarding vacant positions in Blue Gum Company is received by the human resource department. The personnel in the department filter all the applications and decide which ones have met the criteria.

Short listing: the personnel at the human resource department forward the applications of the candidates, who have met the criteria to the director. The director receives the short listed candidates, and can decide to reduce the number of the short listed candidates.

Interviews: the director interviews the short listed candidates within two days of receiving the short listed candidates. He/she asks a set of structured and unstructured questions as he/she sees fit, and as the situation demands.

Selection: the director selects the candidate he/she feels is the most suited to fill the position

References: the applicants who have worked in the company for more than five years do not need to provide references. External applicants should provide not less than three references. The human resource department should check all the references provided by the applicants.

Letter of appointment: the director will instruct the human resource department to send a letter of appointment to the successful candidate, within five working days after the interview. The letter of appointment will contain the terms and conditions of employment. The human resource department will make a follow up call to the successful candidate three days after sending the letter (Dale 40).

Induction Policy and Procedures

Policy Title Induction Policy and Procedures
Date Created


Policy Statement The underlying policy highlights the process, which will be used to induct the potential managers in the Blue Gum senior management, in a manner that is acceptable to the employment laws in the country, and according to the guidelines established by the company.
Policy Application

The policy is applicable to all the new managers in the company.



Induction: the induction process will depend on whether the new manager has worked for the company. Managers who have worked for the company do not have to be inducted. The human resource department will induct all the new managers who have not worked in the company on the first day of employment (Sangale and Philippa 50).

Job Application Form



(Retrieved from







Works Cited:

Dale, Margaret. Manager’s Guide to Recruitment and Selection. United Kingdom: Kogan Page Publishers, 2004. Print

Dyson, Marse How and When to Write Policies and Procedures. 1999. web. Feb 29 2012

Nankervis Alan, Robert Compton and Bill Morrissey. Effective Recruitment and Selection Practices, 5th ed. Australia: CCH Australia Limited, 2009. Print

Sangale, Ruth and Philippa Webster. Induction Pocketbook. United Kingdom: Pocketbooks, 2007. Print







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