Reflection Essay

Posted: August 12th, 2013

Reflection Essay




Reflection Essay


            The internet today plays a key role in the day-to-day lives of majority of the world’s population. This is because it has facilitated the integration of several important amenities in one place, the internet. Acquiring such information is now easy and affordable not forgetting much faster than reading books for instance. How would the world be without the internet? What level of development will it have achieved? In the modern world, lack of the internet, for example, in the workplace may affect the running of the place. The internet has encompassed such features like the blogs, wikis, social networking sites and social book marking tools. Such features have encouraged easier communication and access of information through the internet.


            Blogs are quite significant especially in the case of communication. This is because the bloggers pass information through their blogs and their readers are able to air their views pertaining to the topic of discussion. People in different countries communicate regardless of any barriers. Wikis are a group of informative sites in the internet that provide information on virtually every topic imaginable. In the case of students, wikis have enhanced their information base of students by the provision of a wide range of informative material that they can use in their research. Social networking sites are also extremely popular sites in the internet. They create a platform for people from various countries to interact and make friends. Organizations have also initiated advertisements by taking advantage of the large number of people who access the networks (Levine & Young, 2010).

Social book marking has also gained a lot of popularity because of its efficiency. It enables its users to save a lot of time by providing online bookmarks that ensure that the next time they require the information, they can easily acquire it. The development of the internet has introduced a lot of potential that was not even considered before. For instance, professional learning communities can use the internet to collaborate with other institutions. In my opinion, this will be remarkable, and it will enhance the quality of education provided in these institutions. Institutions offering similar educational opportunities can use the internet to collaborate with other schools.

This will be beneficial to both the students and instructors in the institution. For the students, they will interact with fellow students who will expose them to other methods of learning they use; this will positively influence their educational experience. For the instructors, they can share new methods of teaching that will ensure that their students to obtain the highest level of education. Online collaboration can also play a crucial role in the case of research, they will be able to share information pertaining to their areas of research, and this will increase the odds of the success of the research project. Online collaboration will provide a much more advanced level of learning for the students involved (Rovai, 2009).

This course has been enjoyable as well as educative. An advantage of the course is that it has enabled me to understand the impact the internet has had on the world. This is because it has explained in detail how the different aspects and sectors of the economy are affected by the internet. This has enabled me to understand the dynamics involved in their operations. Learning about the internet has also opened my mind to new ideas that the internet may facilitate in various aspects of our lives. In order to improve the course more, I would suggest the creation of a more student oriented course that will enable students to participate more in the course. If this is implemented, the overall performance and understanding will get better.


            The internet is a highly crucial part of our lives in this modern world. Educating students about it is crucial as it makes them aware of the numerous opportunities associated with the internet. This course has comprehensively covered the internet and its usage in different capacities. Therefore, the students have obtained the necessary knowledge pertaining to the internet and its effects.




















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