Relation Plan

Posted: October 17th, 2013





Relation Plan


This step entails the identification of the marketing challenge presented to the Public Relations Group to which it aims at tackling or solving. A precise challenge or set of challenges provides the public relations team with an express means of achieving its goals and objectives as it understands the expectations from the higher levels of organizational hierarchy.


This is highly important as it entails the identification of the goals and objectives of the public relations team in relation to the marketing challenge presented to the team. This is essential as it allows the team to plan and allocate resources for achievement of the identified goals and objectives. This are developed with respect to the challenges identified by the organization. Hence, the team actualizes its activities with respect to the challenge and its aims of goals.


This is the identification of the means or approaches to be actualized towards the achievement of the identified goals and objectives. The formulation of strategies is determined by the circumstances of the challenge presented to the public relations team. In addition, the preferred strategies could also be determined by the organizational resources availed to the public relations team and its activities.



Target audience:

This is the identification of the intended audience for the public relations activities to ensure effectiveness of the activities of the team and the realization of the goals and objectives set by the team. This is essential in that the public relations team uses this stage to identify the preferences, needs, wants and means of media through which to reach the target audience.

Main Target Media

The media channels that the team will use to direct its Public Relations activities for the overall achievement of set objectives and goals. This is essential in that the target media has a role in the determination of success of the public relations efforts of the team. A larger media channel would be ideal to ensure that the team sells its idea to a larger part of the market or population.


These are the public relations tactics or approaches to be used such as the themes, hooks for attracting attention and achieving the set goals and the perspectives for the identified tactics. This stage encourages creativity and innovation. It is easily achievable through brainstorming to enable all individuals or team members to avail their ideas with respect to the challenge presented to the public relations team. Open lines of communication could so be encouraged to ensure shared ideas and thus encourage creativity and innovation.

Next Steps:

•Assignment of writer to draft up the press materials

• Ensure that the publisher is availed with precise and clear content for publishing

• There is also need for brainstorming with an aim of determining issues such as logistics towards the delivery of the product to achieve the identified goals.

• Creation of the targeted media lists is also paramount to ensure availability of media channels of delivery of the developed content.

• Establishment of contact with the publicity department of the publishing department to evaluate the process of publishing content and ensure that the content is in line with the organizational needs and specifically with the requirements of the Public Relations team

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