Scenario PART C: Crisis Management Plan

Posted: October 17th, 2013






Scenario PART C: Crisis Management Plan

Potential Crises and Solutions

There are three main characteristics of crises in their identification and classification: surprise, threat and short response time.

• The potential crises posed to the organization are health care events which might be life threatening for the clients and the organizational staff as well. Hence, there should be adequate planning for such events, which might damage the reputation of the organization, incase of, God forbid, death or injury of clients or the staff. Inadequate funds or bankruptcy is another crisis, which the organization might face

• In addition, the organization might be posed with the crisis of provision of inadequate services to the clients. Hence, other people might be reluctant to enroll in the institution due to such events. Satisfaction of the needs of the clientele might be a difficult task because the needs vary form one age segment to another; hence, it is vital to have an understanding of the needs of each age bracket of the individuals enrolled in the institution.

• There also might be claims of discrimination due to the existence of diverse people form various cultures and nationalities

• Inadequate funds or bankruptcy is another crisis, which the organization might face

•. Bankruptcy has the potency to damage the organization, which might be viewed as poor in planning and mismanagement of funds of the organization. Satisfaction of the needs of the clientele might be a difficult task because the needs vary form one age segment to another; hence, it is vital to have an understanding of the needs of each age bracket of the individuals enrolled in the institution.

Issue Tracking and Media Monitoring Systems

•The use of computer to manage responses and complaints from clients

•The organization’s website shall provide a platform for communicating with the clients

• The use of social media to ensure the needs and complaints are followed and executed with the highest speed and efficacy.

Crisis Response Team

•The Managing Director

•Public Relations Head Officer

•The Legal Affairs Head Officer

•The Strategic Planning Head Officer


In the event of crises posed to the organization the crisis management team should meet at the Imagine Education man offices located at 13 Benowa Road, Southport Queensland 4215 Australia.


Key personnel include the Managing Director. The Chief Accountant, the Human Resource manager and the director of operations within the institution.

Critical Equipment

•Office furniture and machinery

•Classroom equipment


Critical Documents

• Financial files

• Contracts and leases

• Titles, Logbooks, Share certificates, Bond and treasury certificates

Contingency Equipment Options

• Lease or hire equipment

• Purchase used equipment

• Purchase new equipment

•Use old equipment in the stores

Contingency Location Options

Seek another location within the same proximity

• Rent out a hall

• Use owner’s premises

• Use one of the branch offices

Contact List of Personnel

Managing Director                                                                           Human Resource Manager

Bradshaw Pitt Robinson                                                                    Angelina Julia Rodriguez,

+47814647879                                                                                  +4781445225

Imagine Education. Head Office                                                       Imagine Education,

Chief Accountant                                                                                Public Relations,

Aduwanje Igombinji Aloudawaye,                                                     Gosziewiscz Vladimir,

+47855686014,                                                                                  +47147334614

Imagine Education                                                                             Imagine Education,




Strategic Planning                                                                             Legal Affairs,

Federico Soprano,                                                                              Michelle Lee Branson,

+4789478972,                                                                                    +4783214568,

Imagine Education                                                                            Imagine Education.








Work cited

Barnes, James C. A Guide to Business Continuity Planning. Chichester: John Wiley, 2001. Internet resource.

Heath, Robert L. The Sage Handbook of Public Relations. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, 2010. Print

Regester, Michael, Judy Larkin, and Michael Regester. Risk Issues and Crisis Management in Public Relations: A Casebook of Best Practice. London: Kogan Page, 2008. Internet resource.

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