Service Design Elements

Posted: November 29th, 2013

Service Design Elements







Nature of industry

The service industry is an industry that deals with provision of services rather than goods and there are diverse subcategories in this industry based on the type of service offered by the service provider. This may include communications, banking, medicine and any other intangible service. My main interest in the service industry is the advertisement industry, mainly the television commercial advertisements. TV commercials involve two main tasks that are creation of the advertisement and placement of the advertisement on televisions through a specific airtime period bought to enable it to its message to the consumers (Buur, Binder et al, 2000).

In this industry, competence and quality production are vital, as this will render the final production acceptable and of the required broadcast standards making it acceptable to the networks broadcasting it on the television. This is a competitive industry involving heavy financial investments. Hence, the owners of the advertisement should ensure that selection of a production company is thorough choosing an agency with expertise in quality broadcast production and an understanding of broadcast standards avoiding sub-standard productions that would lead to rejections (Buur, Binder et al, 2000). The broadcast networks often measure the popularity of a certain program to determine how much they will charge a company to run their advertisement in some period during the running of the show.

Services provided

Services provided by television commercial advertisements are marketing services for producers of goods and other service providers to reach a wide market base in different widely based locations. Television commercials enable the advertising company to inform people of their products and persuade them to purchase the products through a short clear advertisement that mostly runs for thirty to sixty seconds at intervals of periods in what is known as commercial breaks. Television commercials have a big impact as they use jingles or slogans, humor and animation to grasp people’s attention and follow that up by short, precise and persuasive words to convince the consumer to purchase the particular product.

Target market

The target market for this industry is unlimited depending on the product being advertised. The TV commercial industry does marketing for various companies hence the advertisements will be made in such a way that it targets the specific people that the clients have in mind.

How the eight elements of service provision support the service quality provision in television advertisements services

            In the service industry regardless of the service being provided there are eight key elements governing the provision of these services hence ensuring quality provision of services. These are delivery systems, facility design, information, location, capacity planning, managing capacity and demand, service encounter and quality (SCRIBD, 2012). The strategic application of these key elements renders a company dependable, providing services of high quality hence enabling it to gain a good reputation among its clients.

Message delivery system

The first element is the understanding of the objective of the advertisement in its creation to ensure that the correct message is sent to the target audience. This should consider whether the adverts intention is informative, reminder or persuasive. An informative commercial is that which is meant to inform the public of a new product in the market, one with no prior existence hence it notifies the consumers of its availability in the market creating in them an urge to try it. A reminder is an advert whose main aim is to keep the audience interested. These are commercials made for products enjoying a monopolistic advantage in the market due to lack of similar goods in supply hence its aim is to remind the viewers of its presence and encourage them to keep purchasing.

Persuasive commercials are those that occur where a product is already in the market but there are other competing products hence the producer the public of the benefits of their products over the competitor’s products in order to remain ahead of competition. The creation and provision of these services should be with speed, that is, the production to the running process of the commercial should take the shortest possible period saving on costs on the clients’ part (SCRIBD, 2012). At the same time, it should allow the message to be passed on to the consumers in a period most effective where the relevance of the advertisement of the product in relation to the targeted consumers is easily diffusible.

Facility design

The other element in television commercial advertisements is the design in message delivery. How the advertisement is delivered is crucial, as this will determine the responsiveness of the audience to what is relayed in the advertisement, if they believe it and how strong their conviction will be. An important characteristic of television adverts is their ability to generate interest in the subject matter within a short span. Hence, in relation to the product being advertised, the advertisement should be easily understandable and relayed in a manner that creates an interest in that product in question. In the stage the product uses slogans that are easy to comprehend and memorize, it also employs good quality graphics that are pleasant to watch. It is in this stage that the graphic design elements such as balance, contrast, emphasis, proportion, pattern, rhythm, unity, variety, space, texture, shape, form, value and color come into play to bring out the best graphic representation (Professional Advertising, 2012). There is also utilization of techniques such as humor and fantasy creation to appeal to the consumers desires. This will result in increased sales for the client and with good quality productions and responsiveness due to the dependability of the productions.


Here the advertisers focus on gathering information on consumer expectations in TV commercials, what their expectations on the standards are in order to provide a production that portrays great knowledge and skill in the field. Hence, it is able to highlight the positive traits of the commodity in question and its uniqueness from its competitors, making it the product of choice over the rest. This is done in an effort to create the best marketing experience for the clients resulting in increased consumer preference to the product (Normann, 2000). This will create a good reputation for the company with it retaining most of its clients due to its dependability. The collection of information by the advertisement company will also enable it in coming up with advertising approaches that relate with the target audience and that are in line with development in technology making the production process a more successful and quality oriented one.


In advertisement, location is important in that different consumers in different locations have different norms and cultures hence to sell a product to them different approaches would be applicable. The advertiser will have to understand the cultures of the major target groups in order to come up with a commercial that is appealing to them all while maintaining relevance. However, if an advertiser wishes to target a specific group then he will have to bias his production leaning more on the traits that appease the target consumers disregarding the tastes of others (Professional Advertising, 2012). Location is also important in that in some regions television advertising is more appreciated and adapted by many producers hence being located in such a place will ensure that the advertising company maximizes on service provision to the available client. However, the company should try to be located in a region where there is no congestion of competitors hence should focus on getting new clients in a place where there is a low supply of advertisers. The location should also ensure accessibility to the tools and machinery used in the production process without difficulty. This will enable the company to remain technology savvy while practicing cost reduction actions, which will lead in maximization of profits.

Capacity planning

Capacity planning is the process that aids in determining the production capacity needed to fulfill changing consumer demands in its services. Television advertising is constantly affected by changes in technology and market demands and due to competition; producers are upgrading products constantly to remain as the preferred choice to consumers. This means that the advertising company will have to expand to cater for all the new advertisement campaigns by their clients’ constantly taking place. The company should ensure that it is capable of producing quality productions and this should be done through acquiring trained personnel, acquiring the highest quality machinery and employment of work ethics in its service provision process (Burr, Binder, et al, 2000).

Managing capacity and demand

With the growth in the advertising field and realization of the impact of advertising on sales, more companies are adapting the practice. Hence, the advertisement companies should also ensure that they have the capacity to take up new productions and improve on its networks with broadcasting networks in order to create a better chance of getting airtime slots for their clients. They should also ensure that they are technologically capable of handling the increase in production levels so as not to compromise on quality of service provision to their clients. They should maximize on large-scale productions in order to enjoy economies of scale.

Service encounter

In provision of the advertising services, the advertising company with encounter diverse cultures hence they will have to put this cultures into consideration in order to reach the customers through their advertisements. They will have to study the consumer interests and requirements for their production to achieve maximum impact in increment of sales (Normann, 2000). The production company will also require understanding their client, the producers whom they represent. They also need to have a deep understanding of the available cable networks through which they can convey their advertisements to reach their consumers. They need to know how the networks run and the processes involved in getting an advertisement to run on the airwaves.


This is the most important element in TV commercials production in that all productions have to pass a certain standard for them to be aired. They have to be broadcast ready and the elements of design in the graphics have to be precise. High quality production will ensure that the commercials are clearly understandable and they fulfill the four criteria of advertisement that is attention attainment, interest creation, influencing a desire in consumers and prompting action on the consumers’ part (MPA MEDIA, 2012). This is what will render the production company competent and if it passes the quality test it will attain dependability from the clients, as they will trust the quality of the productions hence creating a good reputation for the company.


Buur, J., T. Binder, et al. (2000). “Taking Video beyond “Hard Data” in User Centered Design.” Design. Participatory Design Conference (PDC 2000).

MPA MEDIA. (2012). Ad Design Elements. Retrieved from

Normann, R. (2000). Service Management: Strategy and Leadership in Service Business. Chichester; New York, Wiley.

Professional advertising. (2012). The Elements of Design. Retrieved from

Scribd. (2012). Service strategy. Retrieved from

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