Summary of the Proposal

Posted: August 13th, 2013





Summary of the Proposal

1. Executive Summary

This report was prepared to study the macro and microenvironments of juice production in Norway and Brazil. There is less competition in Norway compared to Brazil due to the established company, the Boost Juice Bar. In order to improve sales in Norway, advertisements will be used during the Fifa World Cup that will take place in Brazil. Founded by Janine and Jeff Allis Australia in 2000, Boost Juice Bars is one of the most recognized business chains inside Australia with over 200 branches. Starting with $250,000 and the help of nutritionists, Janine formulated healthy juice products and still researches on various ways to better her product. Examples of products the company produces using its developed technology include skinny smoothies, fresh juices, low fat smoothies, bottled juices and light smoothies. The target market for the company is anyone who is health conscious.

2. Company Objectives and Strategy

  1. To achieve a high number of sales while growing its opportunities
  2. To promote its brand all over the world
  3. To gain a large proportion of the market share
  4. To achieve the above using Porter’s formula for competitive advantage



3. Political, cultural, economic, social and technological environments in Norway

Norway is located in northern Europe and is bordered by Russia, Sweden and Finland. Its capital city is Oslo, and it has a monarchical government. It is one of the richest countries in northern Europe with vast technological developments. Religion is not a significant influence in the Norwegian society and women are equally represented as men. Norway also has a very rich culture and is a significant tourist destination.

4. Political, Cultural, Economic, Social and Technological Environments in Brazil

Brazil is more and more being recognized for its advancements in technology that have been achieved through multiple research initiatives funded by the government. However, the country’s government has failed in housing its citizens, and though poverty rates have been reducing over the years, it is still a major problem. Despite the cultural diversity that makes the Brazilian society, class division is determined by economic ability and the color of one’s skin.

5. Comparing Australia to Brazil and Norway

Australia has a political system similar to that of Norway and Brazil; though Brazil’s political system is slightly different because of instances of corruption. On the economic field, Brazil is gaining faster though both Australia and Norway are ahead of it. Technologically, both Norway and Australia are ahead of Brazil. Culturally, all the three countries are diverse. This means that the marketing techniques used by Booster Juice Company require an adjustment to suit in the different countries’ societies. This process involves a shift in product design, pricing, advertisement and transportation.



6. Product Market Analysis for Brazil and Norway

Sales of health-associated products have been successful in Norway since Norwegians are health conscious people. Juice products sell well in Norway and are a vital competitor for other goods sold in the country. In Brazil, there is a growing awareness on the importance of healthy food products compared to junk food. The Norwegian market is in the final stages of growth because of the many sales made in the beginning stages. Both Norway and Brazil have distribution mechanisms including airports, supermarkets, seaports and store bars. Competitively, Booster juice is at a better position because of its product variety. Boost Juice should keep producing an alternative to junk foods and concentrate on various advertisement techniques in the forthcoming Fifa World Cup. Marketing objectives for Norway and Brazil are different due to the dissimilarities in societal structure.

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