
Posted: October 17th, 2013








Supervising as defined is overseeing that work is done well as intended to achieve goals and objectives. Supervisors are required to control and regulate the behavior of the staff that a supervisor is assigned. Supervisors are supposed to ensure that work goes well as planned in order to realize the goals and objectives set by the organization. For teachers, supervision not only involves ensuring that teachers are performing, but also giving them support and allowing autonomy considering this is a profession that required individual skills (Sidhu & Fook, 2010).

            One of the action I would take to ensure effectiveness of teachers as a supervisor is training and developing the staff on new and emerging issues in teaching to the teachers. In any profession, training and development is a powerful tool for improving effectiveness, training ensures to empower the staff with newer skills, which they ca use in their work. In addition, training should not be for one period, rather, it should be continuous to ensure that teachers are updated on new issues in their profession as well as build competence and confidence in their work. One of the training areas I would emphasize is on educational leadership skills to enable teachers to direct the students in their learning, as well as guiding them in their abilities (Sidhu & Fook, 2010).

            The other actions I would take to ensure teachers effectiveness is talking with them on the issue of promoting reflection, since reflection acts as a  way of assessing one self, whether they have achieved the goals they intended to achieve. The other action is ensuring to give feedback to teachers on issues that are specific to observations made to individual classes rather than generalizing. This is far more encouraging to teachers, since they know that supervisors are there to help them instead of thinking supervisors make work unbearable. At the same time while giving feedback on observations in the classrooms, I would ensure to give praise, show a sense of caring and interest in their work to encourage them to engage in discussions of improving their performance (Sidhu & Fook, 2010).

            Charlotte Danielson framework for teachers is based on four principles upon which the teachers can base their teaching and evaluation. The four principles or domains cover all aspects of a teacher’s performance as well as job. The four domains upon which the evaluation is based are planning and preparation, management of the classroom environment, instructions delivery, and professional responsibilities. The four domains are designed to give the teachers an end of year assessment framework to evaluate their performance (, 2011).

            In the first domain, the teacher is supposed have expert knowledge on the subject they are supposed to teach, demonstrate their knowledge of the students they are teaching, demonstrate their knowledge on the sources used of the subject, design articulate instructions, set outcomes for each instructions, design an assessment criterion for students, and anticipate issues in the classroom. The other domain is classroom environment and management where the teacher should create an environment that builds up a rapport for the students with the lesson, establish a culture designed to promote learning, ensure management of class procedures and policies, manage and maintain good behavior in children, and organize the physical space. The third domain, instructions is concerned with communicating with the students, engaging them through questions and discussion, assessing instructions, and demonstrating responsiveness and flexibility. Finally, professional responsibility focuses on responsibilities of the teacher such as reflection on their teaching, maintenance of records, communicating with families of the students, professional community participation, developing professional skills, and demonstrating professionalism (, 2011).   

            I do agree with Charlotte Danielson evaluations for teachers considering it lays it on the main principles of teaching or activities that teachers should ensure to carry out to guarantee quality learning for their students. More so, it gives teachers a chance to reflect on their performance, as well as areas on which to improve. The four domains are easy to use in testing the qualification of the teacher as well as ranking them in terms of professionalism.

            Differentiated supervision means having different supervision model that considers the individual differences of each teacher. The differentiated model of supervision takes into account the differences of each teacher’s needs when supervising teachers. It is an evaluation that goes ahead to provide teachers with option on the kind of supervision they would like to receive, where they can choose between the different kinds of supervisions available. Some of the available differentiated supervision models I would use include clinical supervision, working with a partner or a colleague in a certain program on development, a chance to direct the growth of their professionalism, or monitoring the teacher directly (Walsh, 2011).

            Improving the teacher means benefiting the students as well. Therefore, the means that improve or encourage learning for the teacher should be used. Each individual will have his or her preferred way of being supervised. Some of the factors that encourage teachers’ improvements are, “(a) individual teacher learning and development, (b) adult learning and development, (c) the work environment of the school, and (d) the characteristics of the teaching profession,” (Walsh, 2011). Through differentiated supervision where each teacher selects the best mode of supervision that suit them, improvement and enhancement of learning in teachers individually would be easy. More so, some people may not feel comfortable under direct monitoring, thus, having a different supervision that suits them will be better to encourage them.

            Therefore, to improve the effectiveness of the teachers and students, I would differentiate supervision of teachers in a way that suits every individual to encourage learning, especially supervision methods that encourage teachers to build their competency on their own, which means the will be self motivated. The teachers will have the chance to choose the supervision method that suits their needs.

References (2011). The Framework for Teaching. Retrieved from:

Sidhu, G.K., & Fook, C.U. (2010). Formative Supervision of Teaching and Learning: Issues and Concerns for the School Head. European Journal of Scientific Research, 39 (4): 589-605.

Walsh, K.J. (2011). Differentiating Teacher Supervision: The Disconnect Between Beliefs and Behaviors. New Jersey Journal of Supervision and Curriculum Development, 54: 71-78.








Supervising as defined is overseeing that work is done well as intended to achieve goals and objectives. Supervisors are required to control and regulate the behavior of the staff that a supervisor is assigned. Supervisors are supposed to ensure that work goes well as planned in order to realize the goals and objectives set by the organization. For teachers, supervision not only involves ensuring that teachers are performing, but also giving them support and allowing autonomy considering this is a profession that required individual skills (Sidhu & Fook, 2010).

One of the action I would take to ensure effectiveness of teachers as a supervisor is training and developing the staff on new and emerging issues in teaching to the teachers. In any profession, training and development is a powerful tool for improving effectiveness, training ensures to empower the staff with newer skills, which they ca use in their work. In addition, training should not be for one period, rather, it should be continuous to ensure that teachers are updated on new issues in their profession as well as build competence and confidence in their work. One of the training areas I would emphasize is on educational leadership skills to enable teachers to direct the students in their learning, as well as guiding them in their abilities (Sidhu & Fook, 2010).

The other actions I would take to ensure teachers effectiveness is talking with them on the issue of promoting reflection, since reflection acts as a  way of assessing one self, whether they have achieved the goals they intended to achieve. The other action is ensuring to give feedback to teachers on issues that are specific to observations made to individual classes rather than generalizing. This is far more encouraging to teachers, since they know that supervisors are there to help them instead of thinking supervisors make work unbearable. At the same time while giving feedback on observations in the classrooms, I would ensure to give praise, show a sense of caring and interest in their work to encourage them to engage in discussions of improving their performance (Sidhu & Fook, 2010).

Charlotte Danielson framework for teachers is based on four principles upon which the teachers can base their teaching and evaluation. The four principles or domains cover all aspects of a teacher’s performance as well as job. The four domains upon which the evaluation is based are planning and preparation, management of the classroom environment, instructions delivery, and professional responsibilities. The four domains are designed to give the teachers an end of year assessment framework to evaluate their performance (, 2011).

In the first domain, the teacher is supposed have expert knowledge on the subject they are supposed to teach, demonstrate their knowledge of the students they are teaching, demonstrate their knowledge on the sources used of the subject, design articulate instructions, set outcomes for each instructions, design an assessment criterion for students, and anticipate issues in the classroom. The other domain is classroom environment and management where the teacher should create an environment that builds up a rapport for the students with the lesson, establish a culture designed to promote learning, ensure management of class procedures and policies, manage and maintain good behavior in children, and organize the physical space. The third domain, instructions is concerned with communicating with the students, engaging them through questions and discussion, assessing instructions, and demonstrating responsiveness and flexibility. Finally, professional responsibility focuses on responsibilities of the teacher such as reflection on their teaching, maintenance of records, communicating with families of the students, professional community participation, developing professional skills, and demonstrating professionalism (, 2011).

I do agree with Charlotte Danielson evaluations for teachers considering it lays it on the main principles of teaching or activities that teachers should ensure to carry out to guarantee quality learning for their students. More so, it gives teachers a chance to reflect on their performance, as well as areas on which to improve. The four domains are easy to use in testing the qualification of the teacher as well as ranking them in terms of professionalism.

Differentiated supervision means having different supervision model that considers the individual differences of each teacher. The differentiated model of supervision takes into account the differences of each teacher’s needs when supervising teachers. It is an evaluation that goes ahead to provide teachers with option on the kind of supervision they would like to receive, where they can choose between the different kinds of supervisions available. Some of the available differentiated supervision models I would use include clinical supervision, working with a partner or a colleague in a certain program on development, a chance to direct the growth of their professionalism, or monitoring the teacher directly (Walsh, 2011).

Improving the teacher means benefiting the students as well. Therefore, the means that improve or encourage learning for the teacher should be used. Each individual will have his or her preferred way of being supervised. Some of the factors that encourage teachers’ improvements are, “(a) individual teacher learning and development, (b) adult learning and development, (c) the work environment of the school, and (d) the characteristics of the teaching profession,” (Walsh, 2011). Through differentiated supervision where each teacher selects the best mode of supervision that suit them, improvement and enhancement of learning in teachers individually would be easy. More so, some people may not feel comfortable under direct monitoring, thus, having a different supervision that suits them will be better to encourage them.

Therefore, to improve the effectiveness of the teachers and students, I would differentiate supervision of teachers in a way that suits every individual to encourage learning, especially supervision methods that encourage teachers to build their competency on their own, which means the will be self motivated. The teachers will have the chance to choose the supervision method that suits their needs.


References (2011). The Framework for Teaching. Retrieved from:

Sidhu, G.K., & Fook, C.U. (2010). Formative Supervision of Teaching and Learning: Issues and Concerns for the School Head. European Journal of Scientific Research, 39 (4): 589-605.

Walsh, K.J. (2011). Differentiating Teacher Supervision: The Disconnect Between Beliefs and Behaviors. New Jersey Journal of Supervision and Curriculum Development, 54: 71-78.


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